موضوع: Wii Sports Resort
Berlin, GermanyChrisoofy7 years ago

Do you mean that you have a sum of best of 17:30 ? yea i have a sum of best of 17:30 aswell. I mean sub 18 will be super hard already so i really doubt getting close to 17:30 anytime soon will probably not happen. If you grind it 24/7 maybe you could get close alaska but you know how crazy grinding this game can be hehe ^^ I think sub 18 will be the goal for now for WR. And then we will probably reach a limit some point soon if we dont find more strats and really have bowling down to get perfect games. But makes me wanna push down the time a bit more again.

Alaskaxp2 المعجبون بهذا
غير معروف
Berlin, GermanyChrisoofy8 years ago

I am writing this from an first time attendee but long time watcher and speedrunning community viewer/member. (sorry for some grammar and weird mistakes in advance btw) Like always the positive things first.

Personally, ESA was a blast for me and way too short because i met soo many people and wanted to talk with soo many more people that i just know from watching ESA and beeing active in streams etc. It was awesome seeing everyone beeing relaxed and nice to each other. Keep it up guys and stay open to new people joinging the community. I will definetly attend more events in EU and US after getting some motivation but whatever thats not why i am writing this.

So first i guess i'll give my perspective for the venue and the event itself: The arena looked at first nice and is also a big change to the usual venues in the past for ESA from what i can tell. The idea of having all the CRTs and all the casual playing and speedrunning right behind the stream setup and the couches is nice to give the viewers and the people more of that community feel but it could have been resolved a bit better because the rows after another feeled a bit too tight. But other then that it was alright. The other hall which was hosting all the other casual stuff and Mafia for the most part. The 2nd hall could have been used much better with additonal tables and stuff but that was not a big deal.

Special shoutouts to the whole Mafia crew playing and organizing mafia all the time everyday. Definetly was a huge and cool part of ESA for me because this way people had the chance to make better contact with people they didnt knew before because Mafia forces you to engange with people,^^

Next up the City in general Växjö: Traveling to växjö was for me personally alright and not a huge problem. i just flew from berlin to copenhagen and then took the 2 hour train. Even tho the Train had both ways some problems and delays, the travel in general was alright. Växjö is a really small city but it was still alright for the one week i was there. The Mall close to the scandic hotel was cool and the food places were alright. The lake and the stuff in the city were cool aswell. But most of the time you either had to walk everywhere or you were relying on buses or people driving you everywhere.

But other then sweden being awesome and interesting for first time traveling tothere for me, the city was not that awesome after all. We were mostly hanging out in the venue or in hotel rooms either way and were only going 2 times to the lake and to the park thanks also to the motivation of Pokemon Go.

And at last the Hotel Scanic: The breakfast was really good but you have to get up in time for that of course before 10:30. The hotel rooms were at first alright for just staying there and when you were doing stuff else where in the city either way. The room was decently comfortable for 2 people but i saw the 4 people rooms and it gets tight really fast. And for hanging out somewhere other then the Venue for playing games or just having fun and parties, the hotel was horrible. The small rooms were not making it possible for me to party with others because the rooms are already filled with 10+ people and no sitting space. And famously we all got the warning for not doing parties anymore in the hotel because of noise complains or something. It is understandable that people want their quiet sleep and because there were a lot of other tourists sleeping we were not filling out the entire hotel.

And that is the issue with having a different venue other then the Hotel directly because there wouldnt be these complains when the most people of ESA sleep in the hotel either way. I guess everyone is trying out the best western the next time because it apparently was alright and there were no issues but we will see. And this depends if ESA stays in växjö but that is already set from what i heard that we will stay there which is a bit sad because a bigger city or different country would be personally interessting but it would be also a big undertaking for you guys to manage everything and find new partners.

But when ESA wants to grow more and get more people from EU and overseas to attend the event, some stuff has to change in terms of the venue or the city in my opinion. I still like the approach and community feeling of ESA and i will see how different it will be when i go to AGDQ next year.

Some final thoughts to the Stream itself. Like most people that are attending ESA for the people they want to hang out with, i didnt watch the runs themselff at all. But i still catched all the problems and things that were going on when i talked with people and watched the stream a bit in the hotel. The schedule delays and problems that were going on are just crazy and are of course not something good and sadly left a bad taste for a lot of viewers it seemed like it. The really casual and sudden introduction to the beginning of ESA was not cool either and the actualy setup seems that it begun really late in the week, but i cant judge that properly so ignore that.

That's not to say that all the staff and tech crew members and hosts didnt do a great job. The opposite was the case mostly because i saw it from others friends i was hanging out with that were doing these things that they worked hard. But the general planing seemed not so great on a lot of things. I use the word "seemed" a lot because i cant fully judge on anything because i was not a part of everything.

But all that stream organisation can be easily improved next time. My personal whish and opinion is that we would move location again but that is not something that is possible from what i see because it is already set in stone. Either way i will go to the next years event again and will continue to support ESA and will promote it at other events and AGDQ so more people come to Europe to have a great time with us.

Oh yea and the bad masshousing problems i have heard of are also there. I hope that people that dont want to spend much money have a better opportunity next time to sleep.

But thats it of rambling from me. I will definetly come again and will motivate others to go to ESA. Even with all the problems, thanks Edenal, planks, flicky and everyone involved into the event and all the previous events.

You guys definetly build something great and brought a lot of people together.^^

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