تشغيل: WWE 2K22
The part of the cutscene youre talking about legit just doesnt play. What do you want me to do about that?
موضوع: WWE 2K22
100%! If there can be a way to prevent those moments, the best time can confidently be sub 10 minutes, whether its me or someone else who gets it first
موضوع: WWE 2K22
Yeah, this is definitely the best strat for this category, it just sucks when the ai holds the block button or does a running attack of their own so the bulldog doesnt connect lol
موضوع: Slendrina: The Forest
I believe I have already tried that and it didn't work out. Try and ask Rio because I think either him or Jii made the seperate categories
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موضوع: Granny
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