Mod Note: Adjusted Time
I have a recorded run I could personally check the real-time compared to the in-game time. I will also check the discord at some point and send my proposal there with the in-game and real-time posts, hopefully, others do want to run it but the RNG side could turn people away. It seems to be pretty grindy to move down in times and I understand it could be disheartening to have a non-recorded run that is peak RNG+Performance due to not knowing that it could be a potential category or WR. If there are any further steps to take in getting it to be a thing besides the regular stuff let me know.
Was wondering if there was any want for a Koopathlon Speedrun (7 laps mainly). Been running it just on my own for a few days and it has been very fun. With optimization of general gameplay and which minigames are the best for coins plus some luck, it could be very competitive in my opinion. I would love to see it be brought down to its limits and I would personally run it myself in my spare time.
Thought I was ab to have to return to speedrunning DL, Amazing run dude hope to see more from you!
A ”Full Mod” (Whatever that is) replied to someone's forum post with these instructions, the individual seemed to be having the same issue. I was doing a bit of research after I was told we needed to wait till Dying Light 2 comes out.
These were the directions I was given, I have 4 runs not including old PB’s. I think it's worth a shot but I also don't mind waiting. I also know that SYZ has runs
Game Requests > Single Game > Name your game: "Game Category Extension" > Give proper feedback and motivation as to why we should accept your request, along with a run (or multiple) from what will be on the extension board.
So we can request the category extension to be added if they reject it we can just wait till Dying Light 2 comes out, that was the plan from the beginning anyway so no harm no foul. This is all considering that we get enough votes to add the extension which I don't know how many we need, at the moment 5 people have voted yes while 0 have voted no.
So for this to happen, we have to wait till Dying Light 2 comes out?
I have been talking about this for a while and I finally wanted to put it into action. I wanted to be able to have meme runs become a category or categories and when I asked I was told that it would look unprofessional and out of place, which I fully understand. I was told that a category extension would be needed (Like Outlast or Super Mario 64). I find this to be a great idea so I made a Google poll. If you could vote that would be really great, I don't know how many people we need but I'm sure It won't be too many. Below the poll I will also be adding some of the different runs that could go in the category extension if it's added.
*Suicide% (Any%) *Suicide% Bombless *Suicide% (Glitchless) *NG+ Suicide% *Suicide% (The following) *Suicude% Bombless (The Following) *Radio% *NG+ Radio% *Radio% (Any%—The Following) *Radio% (Glitchless—The Following) *Millionaire% (Any%) *Millionaire% (Glitchless) *Millionaire% (Any%—The Following) *Millionaire% (Glitchless—The Following) *Buggy Recall%