Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

I would of thought as long as you can prove that you didn't jumpcut the video or change outside code this would be fine, I am not sure tho

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

since technically every platform that has minecraft is supported I would say yes touchscreens are allowed, Its like using a classic controller for a wii game (sorta)

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

By the power of RNG anything could be faster on one world.

I see your point (I think) if you can prove that you don't edit Minecraft when doing all bosses I reckon you'd be OK set seed with glitches the other categories probably not as much

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Yeah, I would agree with both of you, if a run is in 3 worlds then really it should be 3 runs, the all bosses record should really have to fight the bosses consecutively in the same world.

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

I may make a post for a "memerboard" for Minecraft, to see how many people would be willing to do some other categories in this respect.

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

In my estimations: Set seed glitches: 5 minutes as you can dupe everything and get bottle o enchanting Set seed glitch less: the current WR for iron armour 16 levels glitch less could be used for this, but if your not allowed to take bookshelves I would say 15 minutes Random seed glitches: 20 minutes as duping can be used heavily to obtain all the things Random seed glitch less; this is a very unpredictable category but assuming you spawn next to a village and cave I would say 30 minutes

If you want to try a really long run then either kill wither glitch less or all bosses glitch less is heavily RNG based. Because of the randomness of Minecraft most cstegories could probably be done in under 5 minutes.

I was considering setting up a modpack for speedrunning whith categories such as "obtain draconium" or obtain an Infinty ingot, the latter would take probably 6 hours. There is a few other categories I suggested, such as all records which would also take a long time

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Fair enough idea l4m2 but I think 11 may discount any data transfer

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago
  1. For 'Random Seed' runs, the world must be a blank seed or a random seed generated by a Speedrunslive channel.
MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

As far as I'm aware, set seed doesn't just mean you typed in the seed. If you recreate a random seed world the seed is already inputted for you (click recreate, click more options) so would become set seed. if you think of the random seed category as "you are not allowed to prepare for this run in any way" I think that makes more sense. Knowing about a seed before you go on it would mean you can prepare so then, If we say random seed is defined in this statement, knowing about the seed would no longer be random.

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

l4m2 if your saying: "There is a way of knowing about a map without knowing the seed or recreation of the world or wasting time on said world, would this count as random seed" Then I don't think it would count as the whole point of random seed (as far as I'm aware) is the inability to plan for it, adding to its difficulty/complexity/skill required. If you knew the map, part of this extra difficulty would be removed.

MinecraftGaming و Bamz0rs تُحب هذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Every new Computer edition world has their own storage for achievements thus any new world can be used

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Optifine is allowed as long as you don't use zoom, I'd bind it to a far away key

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

I was unaware of an autosplitter as I generally have 4 splits set up on live split and just tap the start key to move onto the next split.

Generally I think for in game time we use MinecraftTimer (in resources) as you are doing 1.6.4 you will need the first one

I don't think it's possible to automatically detect enter never with live split, another program would have to find the right hooks for it.

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Mysterio and ElRich's runs for mine emerald and mine diamond use creeper explosions, I have a seed where you spawn in a ravine but it wouldn't work in this instances, I think technically it is possible to obtain anything / mine anything in. 0 seconds due to creepers, I don't think clicking respawn counts as an input.

Te surface dungeon is less about this more about how Thereotically we could have a similar obtain golden apple seed to the OP obtain diamond seed

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

There is an unofficial minecraft console edition speedrun page not endorsed by the admins here. Some of those categories may exist there, however I belive you are allowed to submit any platform runs here and it will be next to your name hence you could still be the fastest on that platform whilst submitting them here,

To my knowledge there is very little documentation or programs to help speedrunning on other platforms although some runs could be theoretically faster on those platforms. Most runs are slower. So submit them here and you should be fine, the same rules would still apply however.

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

bananamathpi, quite a few runners I belive add a timer post recording, and I'm pretty sure finding in game time using a video is allowed. The mods can say other wise

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

The other alternative of course is if a creeper walked into the forge on walruswalruswalrus or exploded near it. Tbh literally any "obtain..." That doesn't require crafting could be done in 0ms there will likely be one seed out there that has the right conditions, we play such a big game. I'm still here waiting for a spawn in deser surface dungeon for obtain golden apple :P <- why is this face unhappy?

غير معروف
Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

If a run is submitted and accepted, how do we stream it to you (in our time slots)?

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

I can confirm this can be continued infinitely, but you have to get a slightly specific time, I reckon this would be faster than the usual dup strat when duplicating a lot of items. the mods may want to note this.

Saint HelenaAcrogenous7 years ago

Once you know anything about the map it is no longer random, hence AMIDST or creative can't be used in a random seed run.

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