I play on Switch and I was wanting to play some glitched runs, but for some reason my game takes around 5-10 minutes to load fairly consistently, making doing the dupes not that helpful.
Are there any other known dupes that I can use that are also easy to do? I’m on 1.17.10 for reference.
If not, does anyone know how I can make my game load in faster so I can actually play these categories? The extremely slow load times are pretty annoying in general especially if I don’t have hours to grind runs :/
I just got a Kill Wither RSG run a few days ago and it was pretty slow so I wanted to beat it. As I kind of expected, it turns out getting a good run on it is pretty hard since fortresses are rare and skulls gave low chances of dropping lol
wondering if there’s any known seeds that have a ruined portal with looting II or III somewhat close to spawn in 1.17.2? I’m sure it’s probably hard to find but it’d be nice to be able to run the category I’m on console and can’t downgrade versions sadly.