Horde% Runs and possibly others
5 years ago
United Kingdom

The runs on Horde%, specifically: P9nda's - https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zn41589m sekundwan's - https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z01rn94y xAiMxReCoNz's - https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zqr4q18y

All have incorrect submission times.

The first 2 (p9's and sekund's) use a 30 unit ticker (Meaning it ticks 30 times per second) for the milliseconds and they both submitted that ticker as the milliseconds time instead of what it really was, 30 ticks per second (or 33ms per tick). Adjusting the times for them using the 30 unit ticker instead of a milliseconds counter shows in fact that P9's run is 46s and 633ms (19 ticks x 33ms per tick [at 30 ticks per second] = 633ms), and sekund's run is 50s and 933ms (28 ticks x 33ms per tick [at 30 ticks per second] = 933ms).

For the last run that I listed, the player incorrectly set 980ms as 98ms when in fact LiveSplit has a maximum accuracy to the hundredth (or to 2 decimal places as it would be displayed in seconds [ie: 1.11s, or 1s and 110ms]), shaving off basically a second off the submission time.

I'm actually both confused and impressed as to how the moderators missed these major discrepancies, and yes, before anyone says anything about me being picky, keep in mind that 190ms vs 633ms is actually a lot of time in terms of speedruns, they can make or break a run.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
United Kingdom

I have revised every single run for Tutorial% and the following is a list of all problematic runs:

Removed or unavailable videos on runs: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z51d7djm - Video is unavailable, run cannot be verified from now and further on unless a video for the run is re-uploaded somewhere and then thoroughly and correctly verified. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/mrqlj5gy - Ditto to the above. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yjk5n0dm - Ditto to the above. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zn8gw4lz - The video has been made private, just like the other run mentioned above, the run can no longer be verified from now until the future unless its made public again. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/ydq1oewm - Ditto to the above. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yl4ro1xm - Ditto to the above. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yl9qo8ky - Ditto to the above.

Timer inaccuracies: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yj36xnnz - Timer ends way outside of the rules. The rules state: End Position: Once the text reading: "You've completed your basic training!" has appeared. but the timer ends 20 frames earlier than the message appearing. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zxv88wgy - Ditto to the above, but it ends 5 frames too early. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zg7qw3ez - Ditto to the above, but it ends 11 frames too early. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/mrqldp4y - Timer ends too late, in reality this run is completed in 25.54s, as seen by the timer on the frame that the message of the rules as stated above appears. The timer also starts a couple frames late as the player is able to move as soon as they spawned in, which is probably why the 25.64s was accepted. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z0e0k5em - The time submitted is incorrect to the real time that should've been verified according to the rules. The final time is 26.76s, which cuts down their time by 90ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/meke3v3m - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 26.77s, cutting down their submission by 160ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/mrqrno4y - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 27.33s, saving them 50ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z13g179m - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 28.01s, saving them 130ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yo4ee8jm - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 28.02s, saving them 260ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/mr8gw1gy - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 29.20s, saving them 90ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zx44do5y - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 30.31s, saving them 330ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/y8qgg91y - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 31.24s, saving them 560ms from their timer, but adding 240ms to the official scoreboard time. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zp496gxz - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 32.53s, saving them 481ms. They also submitted 110ms as 11ms. The worst problem in this video is the choppiness, 32.53s is the safest bet on when they actually crossed the line. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/m3d77k6z - Ditto to the above, but the time should be 40.61s, saving them 160ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/y23dodjm - The timer starts too early, at 1.09s the run truly starts, and it also ends too early, at 53s according to the submitted time. In reality it ends at 52.20s, meaning that this run is actually 51.11s, saving this person 2s and 890ms due to bad timing.

Badly submitted times (either on purpose or on accident, it's unknown): https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/m7q625ez - ms is set to 32 when LiveSplit is known to have a maximum accuracy down to the 10ms, not down to the singular ms. ".32" on livesplit is the same as 320ms. However this time seems more or less accurate by roughly 50ms as the timer ends too late after the message appears. The earliest I was able to pause the video was at 27.11s, which is just 80ms off from their submission time. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/y6p2k40m - Ditto the above, but the timer also starts too early and ends too early. Run starts at 0.65 on the clock (timer is 650ms too early), and ends 4 frames too early. In total, the final time should get 516ms discounted due to the very early start and the very early end. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z1j5r3rz - The timer starts 23 frames too late, but the final submission time is adjusted by +1 second, when in reality it should be adjusted by +23 frames, or the equivalent of +767ms. This is without mentioning that the timer ended at 27.83s according to the rules, so correctly adjusting his time with the 767ms due to the unstarted timer at the start, the time is 28.597s, saving him 400ms of extra unnecessary inaccuracy. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/y9539wnz - The run is submitted as 99ms, when in reality it should be 990ms, as already specified before of the accuracy of LiveSplit. That also doesn't mention that the timer should've actually ended at 35.65s, therefore his actual time should've been corrected to 35s 650ms, and not accepted as 99ms, as that's WAY off from the real time. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zq61r99y - The timer on this run ends one frame too early, but that's fine. The real problem is that the submission is set to 500ms when the timer clearly shows it should be 50ms. This should've been corrected when the verification was done.

Incorrect usage of a timer: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yw1d363z - The timer's "milliseconds" is 30 ticks, or 0 to 29, and when it's supposed to show 30, it ticks the second. This submission is using the ticks as milliseconds, submitting tick 17 as 170ms is super incorrect, as each tick is 33ms. The real time in milliseconds for this submission is 567ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/pm34r3wz - Ditto to the above, but the submission claims 500ms when they are on frame 28 as the text changes. This realistically means that the actual time on this submission is 41s 933ms. They got a free 433ms shaved off just for using an incorrect timer. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/9yowqnjz - Ditto to the above, however the submission time is just fine, except that it ends in 43s and the 1st/2nd frame, so realistically it should be 43s and 33ms or 66ms.

Expect to see another list for Horde% runs, Kill% and Nature% respectively.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
cooltexture المعجبون بهذا
United Kingdom

Now for all problems on Horde% runs:

Removed or unavailable videos on runs: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z11x8gwz - The video has been made private, the run can no longer be verified from now until the future unless its made public again.

Timer inaccuracies: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/m7pqng5m - The timer starts way too early compared to other runs, his real run starts with 1.08s in on the timer, and ends at 1 minute, 36s and 360ms. Adjusting with the badly started timer reveals that this time is 1 minute, 35 seconds and 280ms, not 1m 37s and 420ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/y891oqxm - Ditto to the above, the actual run starts at 1.15s on the clock. It also ends too late, as the last zombie kill was at 3m 24s 700ms on the clock, making this run's final time a whopping 3m 23s and 550ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/mrqddkdy - Ditto to the above, the actual run starts at 1.43s on the clock. It also ends too late, last zombie kill was at 4m 12s and 630ms, making this run's final time 4m 11s and 200ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/yl91nx2y - Ditto to the above, the actual run starts at 610ms ont he clock. It also ends too late, last zombie kill was at 5m 49s on the clock, making the run's final time 5m 48s and 390ms long. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z0338eoz - The timer ends way too late, as the official last kill that spawned the loot was at 1m 38s 910ms on the clock.

Badly submitted times (either on purpose or on accident, it's unknown): https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zqr4q18y - I also mentioned this one on my original post. The player submitted 980ms as 98ms and still got accepted, which shouldn't have made it, as 980ms vs 98ms is a massive difference, and I've explained before that LiveSplit's timer cannot be accurate down to the singular ms, only to 10ms. The loot also spawns at 57s and 590ms on the timer, and it starts just a couple frames late, however his time was adjusted massively overboard, as it only started 7 frames later, which is equivalent to 117ms based on his video being 60FPS, so with the correct adjustment, this player would still have gotten 57s and 707ms on the timer, not 58s and 98ms, nor 58s and 980ms.

Incorrect usage of a timer: https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/zn41589m - As stated on my original post, it uses a 30 tick timer as "milliseconds". The real time is 46s and 633ms. https://www.speedrun.com/unturned/run/z01rn94y - Also was mentioned on my original post. It also uses a 30 tick timer as "milliseconds". The real time is 50s and 933ms

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
cooltexture المعجبون بهذا
Brandenburg, Germany

I think this guy should become a new Mod for this Game.

إحصائيات اللعبة
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elver parkour% time

hello gamers

new category

time to go fast

have fun <3


1 year ago
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