im bad at explaining it but basically, when you enter that first hallway, make sure you are sliding and have a fully charged core eject and just before the door, look down about 45 degrees and shoot it, you should land on the door frame of the door behind you and you uncrouch. look for tutorials on youtube for a practical demonstration idk
when you enter the first hallway open the door at the end of it because that unloads the room behind you allowing for the clip, then you just need to dive at the door frame in any way(core eject,just a regular dive etc) and make sure not the open the door because that will load the previous room back in
Edit: using the core eject is the most constistent for me
Finally with a new update on the horizon it is the perfect time to address some of the concerns that have been brought up since the last one of these.
First thing is first I am happy to announce that we will be doing a pseudo board refresh following the update. One of the reasons for waiting fo