Suggestion to the full game runs
1 year ago

As it's commonly known, games run on iOS have faster load times in comparison with their Android versions. UR2D is no exception to this. As I've decided to compare the load times between iOS and Android in UR2D by running one of the secondary categories so that I could wait with the next race until the video of the approved run reached the same point as I did. What I've found out was that the load time difference is around 0.3-0.6 seconds per each track. Since the game is available on various platforms and the load times can be different on each of them, I'm suggesting that the full game runs (unless it's stated in the category rules that IGT counts) should be timed by LRT and that in such a case only the black screen with the word "loading" should be considered a load. The runs that have been submitted in the categories like Time Trial% or the secondary categories with the real life timing would have their time converted into RTA whereas their LRT would be retimed later on.

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