UC4 Co-op glitches: Host Advantages, How to activate Stealth Mode, and The Stair Glitch
4 years ago
Florida, USA

In this thread I am going to be describing 2 glitches that can assist someone when speedrunning the Survival Stages in Uncharted 4, as well as explaining what "advantages" the Host has that the other 2 players do not.

Before I describe the advantages the Host has, it is important to be able to distinguish exactly who the Host is when the match begins. The Host is usually the party-leader but sometimes it is random. The Host will have orange hitmarkers when killing an enemy, compared to the normal white hitmarkers for the other players. Host Advantages: -Some glitches only work when they are done by the Host -Enemies target the Host more often -If the host has c4 equipped, throw 3 down on the ground right in front of where you are camping and enemies will run away when they get close, but DO NOT detonate them. (very helpful on harder difficulties)

How to Activate Stealth Mode: (Host-Only)

  1. In the menu screen, open the Cinema viewer and watch a previous match at 2x speed for at least 10 seconds, then leave. (I usually back out when timer reaches 0:38-0:42)
  2. Start a survival match, use Path of Indra to teleport to your partner.
  3. Stealth Mode has been activated - run up to the Warlord and punch him for an instant stealth kill. Shoot your gun to cancel. +++To see a video of how to do this, click the "Guides" page ;)

The Stair Glitch: (Host-Only) This glitch is done by punching an armored enemy or a Warlord while they are above you on a staircase. This will cause the enemy to move down to the player's level while an animation plays of the enemy kicking the player in the chest. During the animation, the player is knocked backwards from the kick and the enemy back-steps through the stairs and then falls through the floor, killing him after a few seconds. +++To see a video of how to do this, click the "Guides" page ;)

Let me know if you need any help, I'd be more than happy to walk anyone through with this -Rampage

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