Any% in 42m 01s 440ms by
Mainly did this as a practice run for all endings. Sad I didn't get sub 40 though :(
Note to verifier: Might need a retime at the end, bit late on the split.
Also my attempts from splits i/o might look weird cause I tried downloading one first, then ended up deleting the attempts and changing up most of the splits.
Museum, Choice and Untimely Comedy Timings
Hello all! Due to recent discussion in the discord about the arbitrary ending timing for:
-Museum -Bucket Museum -Choice -Untimely Comedy
These timings were in line with the rules of the original game, which are inconsistent and outdates. As a result, we have decided to change the timing en
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Freedom
المستوى: Powerful (Bucket)
المستوى: Murder
المستوى: Bottom of the Mind Control Room (Bucket)
1 رد