Tombs & Treasure Speedrun Guide
2 years ago
California, USA

These are my notes from going over the speedruns completed by NESCardinality, Pixel_Kronicle, and RantronBomb. These are meant for a good start and grasp on the run. There are still many things you can do from here to optimize menuing.

Note: There are levels listed with bosses. If you are not at the level listed you missed something along the way

Time starts when pressing exit after name input

Mash through the dialog and when the portrait returns of you Select "Take" and take the following items from the Desk

  • Lighter
  • Silver Key
  • Sword

GO Backwards, Mash through the dialog and GO again This time Up to go forward

Once on the overworld head Up 1 screen, then left one screen, head up one screen, left one screen, up 2 screens and enter the Tomb of Hi-Priest Once inside ATTACK and the first boss will appear. Attack until it has perished

CHANGE to Jose and MOVE Wall to the right of the screen GO Right TAKE Mosaic Tile and One Eyed Mask GO Left, GO backwards to exit

From Temple of Hi-Priest head right 2 screens to the Castillo Pyramid Use ATTACK, fight the 2nd boss the bird until defeated GO Up to go forward. PUT Mosaic Tile in the door to enter the treasure room SMASH the Tall Flask to get a ring, MOVE the Pile of Gold to get the Red Jewel. Next JOIN the Red Jewel in the One Eye Mask LOOK at the Flask then LOOK at the Stone Box. USE the One Eye Mask to uncover the pictures. TAKE the Gold Stand, Shallow Bowl, Gold Mirror, and Silver Globe. use GO and the down arrow twice to exit

From Castillo Pyramid Go right 1 screen and down 2 screen to the Well of Paradise Select WASH and pick the Gold Mirror. TAKE the Gold Pipes and then JOIN Gold Pipes with Bandage to repair them Join Red Jewel and Sword then GO and use the down Arrow to exit

Head left from the Well of Paradise 3 screens to the El Caracol Select FIGHT and defeat the 3rd boss(You Should be level 7), Change to GIRL and PUT Silver Globe on pedestal, USE Gold Pipes Use GO with the down arrow to exit

Go up 2 screen and head right 1 screen, up 1 screen, right 1 screen, up 1 screen, right 1 more Enter the Court of Columns at the pillar next to the two broken ones to the north Select FIGHT and defeat the 4th boss (You should be Levell 8 ) LOOK at the column, SMASH the Ground, TAKE the Gold Globe Use GO and the Down Arrow twice to exit

Head back to El Caracol down 1 screen, then left 1 screen, down 1, left 1, down 1, left 1, down 1

Change to Jose, TAKE Silver Globe, PUSH Pedestal, GO upstairs CHANGE to GIRL, USE Gold Stand, USE Gold Globe, WAIT until light shines to the right window USE Gold Pipes, LOOK at the wall, SMASH wall, TAKE Censer, GO backwards TAKE the Gold Stand(it will take the globe also) PUT Gold Globe on pedestal, WAIT until light shoots to the left LOOK at wall, SMASH wall, TAKE Crystal Key, GO backwards TAKE Gold Globe and GO backwards to go back to the first floor CHANGE to Jose and MOVE the pedestal, PUT Gold Globe CHANGE to GIRL and USE Gold Pipes GO backwards to exit

Head back to the Court of Columns, LOOK at the column, SMASH ground, and TAKE Silver Head GO backwards to exit, Head into the Temple of Warriors next door FIGHT the 5th boss (Should be Level 11) TAKE Sun Necklace, TAKE Blue Jewel, GO backwards to get Jaguar to leave(May need to WAIT and then leave) LOOK at hole, USE Small Rod to obtain Iron Key, GO backwards, CHANGE to GIRL and WAIT until jaguar shows up USE Gold Pipes and put jaguar back to sleep, CHANGE back and TAKE Blue Jewel, JOIN Blue Jewel and Sword JOIN Shallow Bowl and Small Rod, GO backwards to exit

Head left to Ball Court, FIGHT the 6th boss (should be level 15) GO Forward, TAKE Blue Block, GO backwards to exit

Go down 2 screens to the Temple of Hi-Priest GO Right, LOOK at Skeleton, MOVE Head, USE Iron Key GO Downstairs, USE Shallow Bowl, TAKE Akbal Jewel, GO Left, GO backwards TAKE Stone Pawl, Go backwards to exit

Head down to Castillo Pyramid GO Forward, PUT Silver Head GO backwards, PUT Blue Block, Go Downstairs, Change to Jose, USE Stone Pawl, Move Stone Handle, Take Stone Handle and Stone Pawl Go Upstairs and Backwards to exit

Head to the Well of Paradise Wash Sun Necklace, GO backwards to exit

Head north to the Well of Sacrifice Go Downstairs (lots of dialog to skip through), USE Akbal Jewel USE Akbal Jewel again, FIGHT to defeat the 7th boss (Should be Level 19) MOVE Right Statue, GO Forward, USE Gold Mirror, LOOK at Coffin, USE Crystal Key, TAKE Two-Eyed Mask GO Forward, LOOK in Stone Box, TAKE Small Flask, TAKE Large Flask, GO Upstairs GO Backwards to exit

Walk back to Well of Sacrifice LOOK at Guide twice to rejoin the team GO Backwards to exit

Head to Ball Court CHANGE to Jose, PUT Stone Handle and Stone Pawl, MOVE Stone Handle, GO Forward twice, JOIN Red Jewel and Blue Jewel with Two-Eyed Mask USE Two-Eyed Mask, PUSH White Block, GO Left, JOIN Blue Jewel with Sword FIGHT Boss 8 (Must be level 21 here), USE Large Flask, USE Akbal Jewel on Boss 9 (You should be be level 23) then FIGHT WAIT until Jewel turns Black, USE Large Flask again, GO Forward USE Silver Key, GO Upstairs, USE Small Flask, MOVE Palace, TAKE Sun Key USE Akbal Jewel on Final Boss, USE Ring of Itza, FIGHT Final Boss

PUT Censer, PUT Incense, USE Lighter to awaken the GIRL USE Sun Key Time ends on fade out

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 11 months ago
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