نُشرت 2 years ago من

As of today, our current World Champion KeesApenvlees ?? has reached 100 World Records, out of 193 World Records, a incredible feat for any player!

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نُشرت 2 years ago من

Hello everyone, this is the current WR list, it’s regularly updated in the discord so please consider joining! Discord: https://discord.gg/6ZUgVyuJTj WR Holders: (No archived categories)

?•KeesApenvlees ?? 54 [Active] ?•Tocapic ?? 48 [Active] ?•Kkntucara ?? 32 [Active] 4th•Loona_Chan ?? 14 [Active] 5th•LopiJ90 ?? 9 [Active] 6th•xStorm ?? 6 [Retired] 7th•Templarian ?? 5 [Retired] 8th•Greenbiscuit 4 [Retired] 9th•Biffeur ??3 [Retired] 10th•MuhammedYavuz0 ?? 2 [Retired] 10th•Jake5 ?? 2 [Active] 10th•snoozingnewt ?? 2 [Retired] 10th•SQOpenSpellBook 2 [Active] 14th•ELITE_pep ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•Trenaxy ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•GuiltyConscience ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•zapmonkey3 ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•Arthurocco ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•N0TaF1SH ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•DemonStalker ?? 1 [Retired] 14th•clickbaait 1 [Retired]

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 2 years ago من

Hello, it's been a while since anything has been posted here. Tocapic and me have decided to organise a weekly category as a competition. Basically, every week or two we will name a category and everyone in the community who wants to compete can put their run into the thread for that weeks submissions in #⏱-weekly-category for a week and the winner is the person with the best time. However, this wouldn’t be a competition if there wasn’t a prize. Therefore, we have decided to create a custom special discord role in the territorial.io speedrunning discord server that shows that you’ve won a weekly competition! Every week, a new map in a new category shall be chosen, starting for week 2 by vote, to participate in the vote and vote in #⏱•weekly-polls polls. I hope a lot of you will participate to this event and help us revive the territorial.io speedrunning community! (channels are obviously referring to our discord server) so keep in mind to join that if you're interested. -LPhantom, Tocapic and the Moderator Team.

اقرأ المزيد
نُشرت 3 years ago من

Hello Speedruners, So the game just had an update and it was all good untill that stupid Peace thing at the bottom of the screen shows up when the player kill all the bots ,and some ppl (like me ofc) have lag so that thing dont shows up immediately after the player kills all the bots to end the game .and its kinda unfair and impossible since the only way to end the game without that peace thing is to occupe 100% of the map and its surely painful when there is islands . i dont know why that thing even exist but anyways here is how the Runs of the new versions will be verified:

For 1.70.1 or aboven runs, Victory screen is not mandatory (clicking peace thing). Having +99% occupation and no attacks ongoing (any form of expansion except ships that are on theyre way) is necessary to end timer PD: Every run in 1.70.1 and 1.70.2 were verified with this method, so don't worry, this is to let everyone know. otherwise THE NEW GOAL IS TO GET 99% OCCUPATION OF THE MAP.( in all the categories other then %Troups). that was posted on discord and i wanted to post it here again to everyone who dont know.

If there is any new updates about it . we will post it. and if you need any info about speedrunning Territorial.io so just join the discord server of the speedruners of Territorial.io :https://discord.gg/WXCMMhb5sh or contact me : EnderMan69#7464


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As of today, our current World Champion KeesApenvlees ?? has reached 100 World Records, out of 193 World Records, a incredible feat for any player!

2 years ago
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