New Categories for Time Attacks using Arcade Ver. B

I'd just like to request there be added leaderboards for times which take place on Arcade boards (notably Ver. B boards which are most common). As far as rule set, I would refer to the Twin Galaxy rule set for the game (Default settings(no block damage, 40sec. rnd, 2 rnds per fight), Max difficulty: Ultra Hard, Baek or Jun preset allowed). Let me know if you have any questions.

United Kingdom

Hi! I don't think adding Arcade time attack leaderboards is a great idea, as the last Arcade version (Ver. B ) is very similar to the console release, which is much more widespread than Arcade versions at this point. Also, console versions have their own Time Attack mode which doesn't need to worry about particular settings, while I believe the Twin Galaxy rule set is arbitrary and if Arcade runs were allowed, there would be argument to add support for runs of every setting type and every arcade version. I believe this is why Time Attack mode was created, so there would be a standard.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago

Actually the Arcade Ver. B has completely different AI to the console version. The console version actually uses the AI from the Ver. A arcade boards which is why I am even mentioning it. Also the yes the Twin Galaxy rule set does not specify every setting because those not specified do not give advantage or disadvantage when doing a playthrough (Red color hits instead of Green, Stereo vs. Mono, etc.). Also as far as arguing different versions there are also 2 different versions of the NTSC PS1 version but like the arcade ver.B revisions there are just very minor changes which overall don't effect Time Attacks. We're not talking say Mortal Kombat arcade revisions here. Also as far as availability to people who do not have the Arcade PCBs/Do not have a way to capture from them, the arcade versions of Tekken 1,2Ver. B, 3 were all released on the PS2 with the initial release of Tekken 5. There is pretty much an argument to be made out of anything so that is why I offered the rule set I did as a standard. Anyways just my request.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
United States

Did you ever get any recordings of running Arcade Ver B?


Yes I have recordings of Time Attacks on original hardware for Tekken 1,2B,3 and TTT1.

Chicago, IL, USA

I would agree that version B of the arcade should be separated. I just picked up a Ver B pcb and all the AI patterns that I used on the console time attack are pretty much worthless now.

United States

I’d put upload the recordings and post them to this thread. Maybe with enough interest a separate category could be created?

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