Suggestions & Fixes
7 years ago

Hello everyone. So I’ve been getting into this game as of recently and I’ve been thinking about some improvements and necessary fixes for this game. These are merely my own personal suggestions, so feel free to tell me what you think or even add your own ones.

Without further ado, here are my suggestions. ───────────────────────────────────── [big]Appearance[/big]

Add: Background These are merely ones I've found that look fitting, but of course there are countless possible ones that can be used.

They might not all fit perfectly, so try different ones are see which works best.

Add: Rank Icons

Above are two separate ideas that might work.

These are just what I came up with, if you have any ideas what can fit better, feel free to let me know.

Add: Favicon Nothing special, just a normal Mark of Sacrifice. If there are anything else that might work better, feel free to let me know. ───────────────────────────────────── [big]Rules[/big]

Add: Rules At the moment there is no rules whatsoever which isn’t acceptable.

Time Starts: When Selecting “New Game” • Time Ends: When last hit depletes the remaining health of the Final Boss (First frame when the health meter is fully empty) • Allowed & Banned Emulators? DEmul and NulLDC seems to be the two popular ones. I supposed we just limit it to DEmul/NullDC (Latest Versions) unless someone else has more knowledge on the matter on accuracy and whatnot. ───────────────────────────────────── [big]Categories[/big]

Fix: Off/On ─> NLM: Off/On (NLM = abbr. for No Limit Mode) Off/On isn’t very clear what it means, even if you do it’s not very intuitive. Therefore, to keep it simple I suggest the abbreviated form of “No Limit Mode” as NLM.

Fix: Very Easy as Main Category Currently the main category is Very Hard which no one is running anyway, so why even have that as the main one? Makes no sense when Very Easy is the most run as well as the fastest one.

Add: Milliseconds When Submitting Runs (Optional) This might just be my personal opinion, but I like to have things exact which is why I prefer to include milliseconds as well.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
Utrecht, Netherlands

So I made a topic about this months ago. I did my run on the European version and noticed some differences with the easy runs submitted on the site on the Japanese version.

On the PAL version there is no way to have 2 shots and multiple healing items at the same time. Whenever I play on Easy mode 1 shot is the maximum I never get any new ones if I already have one. I am playing the European version, a new game without a memory card. Also the damage on bosses is way less than on the Japanese version, also when they are not defending.

I'm not sure if USA and PAL are the same in difficulty but from your guide it seems that way. In that case my run is actually on Normal mode right as it is displayed on the site. PAL version is 60Hz so no speed difference that I can tell at least. I guess my suggestion is that "Easy" runs on USA and PAL should be ranked under Normal on the site so it's the same difficulty for all versions.

SluggishCrook المعجبون بهذا

When you are talking about the equipment capacity, do you mean the max for Arm Cannon is only 1? If so, when you clear a stage which grants item rewards does it say 0x Arm Cannon afterwards (assuming you already have 1x Arm Cannon)?

I was initially going to create new categories for "Japanese" and "USA/Europe" version but didn't because there's no competition anyway to warrant those change as well as it will further clutter the page with tons of empty categories and lonely categories of only one runner.

I'm not going to verify a "Easy" run on USA/EUR versions as a "Normal" run even though the difficulties when compared seems to suggest identical in terms of damage and whatnot. Sure it might be more fair but "Easy" is "Easy" regardless and it's hard to know if it's truly identical to "Normal" or not.

Then the issues comes and works in both ways, meaning I can submit my runs as seen below. This is not fair for anyone. • (USA) Easy = Normal (JPN) • (USA) Normal = Hard (JPN) • (USA) Hard = Very Hard (JPN)

If you want, I could create new categories for USA/EUR respectively. I think however it won't be fair to group up both USA/EUR together, atleast since you mentioned the fact the equipment capacity is different.

I have found an UK ROM of the game and I will start updating my "Regional Differences" guide tomorrow and see what I can find out about the version.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
SluggishCrook المعجبون بهذا
Utrecht, Netherlands

Yes, the max Arm Cannon capacity on PAL easy mode is 1 so when you still have one after a stage it says Arm Cannon x 0.

I disagree with your standpoint on the difficulties. Right now you are excluding the USA and EUR versions from competition. The difficulties don't match up at all to the Japanese version. Only version I have ever played is PAL version as I am located in Europe. Not sure if there is a difference with USA but if you can have 2 shots on that one on Easy than PAL version would be the hardest one yes.


If a category is named "Easy" then that's what the category is, regardless if it's not the same as other versions "Easy" difficulty. You can disagree if you want, that's fine.

I'm not excluding the USA/EUR versions, I did state that if you would like, I could create such sub-categories. What I meant was that at this current point in time there are simply no competition and thus I felt it wasn't any big deal to rush with such changes, since you are the sole runner of that regional version anyway.

I have since tested the EUR version and you can find read more in my guide. Anyways, below are the most important changes.

[big]** **[/big] USA = Europe = Japanese • Easy = Easy = Normal • Normal = Hard ≈ Hard • Hard = Normal = Very Hard

Between USA and EUR versions, other than the diffculties themselves being different in terms of damage, everything else are the same, including equipment capacity. USA/EUR have the same item capacity so no issues with that but it’s still not fair in all difficulties.

I understand the need for the change, no doubt about it. I'm not a unreasonable guy and I will gladly do the changes if you feel that it will improve the usability of this page. I'm sorry if I have came across as being strict or anything, I just don't want to rush into making blind decisions. Just let me know and I'll see what I can do!

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
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