I don't know how to calculate LRT, so I'll let the mods do that again. I did my best to get an accurate time for Real Time, but the conditions for stopping the timer aren't exact.
For example, does the timer stop the frame the mysterious man starts saying stop, or the frame after he stops? Does it stop on the black screen just before he says stop? Does timing stop once his lips start moving or on the first frame of audio playback for "stop".
Depending on these factors I got anywhere from a 1:29 flat to a 1:30.25 (if I timed it correctly), so I'll submit my run assuming somewhere around the middle of the two.
Mod Note:
According to the rules, the timing is as follows: "Time starts when the game is visible after the player clicks to begin. Time stops when the mysterious man says, "STOP" at last player input." This is what I did when I retimed your run.