4 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Hey everyone. I was added as moderator a few months ago as both previous mods were inactive, and I just now realized that there were no rules in any of the categories. Rules have now been added (and nothing's gonna change, don't worry. Simply put, no rules were ever added which is weird but it's taken care of now).

Timing begins when you press A on the Daytona/Vs. Japan screen (depending on what category you're doing) and ends when the ball hits the ground on the final point in the last match.

omargoldpr و MrMannyRodz تُحب هذا
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Adding new categories/regions soon

Hi everyone, figured I'd make a news post to make this simpler. I will be adding the Japanese and PAL versions of Super Spike V'Ball to this board soon, and I will make new categories for all of this. It's going to take me some time to do it (due to IRL stuff going on) but over the next couple of da

1 year ago
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