The RNG in this category is brutal. Bernie said during the stream that "So this is what it is like to watch someone slowly go mad..."; which just about sums it up, aside from the "slowly" part which I had to take objection to.
I had a run earlier during the stream that was 16 seconds ahead of the 4:50 out of destroying the Star Generator, and had a 99.5% chance of getting good enough RNG in the remaining rooms to WR. That... did not happen. But most runs died much earlier, to other RNG events that kill the runs more often than not. Even on Deltaur, some runs took 40-50 seconds to roll KQ2.
This run could have been much better if I'd beaten the first Sarien to the draw at the end (nearly lost it to bad RNG after that...); but at least it's WR, and I'm very glad to be done. Might revisit Any% though, felt like my execution's still improving.
Played in DOSBox 0.74, 37510 cycles, Tandy emulation.
Stream VOD:
(this video is pulled directly from the VOD - I paused the local recording after the 99.5% run, to take the time to figure out just how bad that luck was...)