Mods should be aware, time warping for certain people restarts the centiseconds count on the IGT clock.
Please review my run on Tidal Tempest 1 compared to the run linked. In my run, I timewarp at 14.01 so you can't check with that first time warp, but my second timewarp is at 19.93, the centiseconds timer continues at 19.95 (Pause the video, and then use the period and comma keys to frame advance by one frame)
While in Ultima's run, he time warps at 14.40 and 19.95, and each time the centiseconds count resets; 14.01 and then 19.01 Meaning Ultima's submission needs to be re-timed to 21.78
Good shout, just submitted an edit to my time. The CD timer in Origins is wierd...
UPDATE--Previous thread title edited: Temporary pause on Sonic 1 Tails submissions (Sonic Origins patch 2.0.1) With patch 2.0.2, the issues have been fixed and submissions have now been reopened.
Hey folks,
Due to some major issues introduced with Sonic Origins Plus Patch 2.0.1, there will be a t