Super Mario Bros. Crossover Powerankings 2nd Edition (1/1/2021)
4 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

Starting off the new year, it is time for another version of the Powerankings. I want to make one of these ~ every 3 months, but for now we got the January 2021 variant to discuss.

Although 2020 started off decent for Mario Crossover, with some of the top runners still competing as they were throughout much of the latter half of 2019, by the second half of 2020 most top level competition died down completely.

However, several new players did join the discord, expressing interest in running the game, and those that did had a larger impact on the PR's than what their score would suggest. Namely NathanM, who seems to have finally fixed their PC issues and can finally run the game, gaining 14 points, moving up 7 spots, and having a large impact on the lower half of the leaderboard.

A new runner named Ayden joined as well, gaining 11 points with his first Bass run, which is impressive considering the difficulty of Bass and it being one of the more competitive characters.

Final Thoughts: Although the game may have quieted down a little, the new runners who have expressed interest in this game (along with some tutorials in the works to help said new players), points towards this game continuing to grow. May this year be a great one, and good luck to any new runners!

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