Individual Level Leaderboard
3 years ago

Don't know if someone will notice this right away but I request a stage RTA mode be added to the individual level leaderboard and also add the remaining levels:

B1 Night - The Nightdark Haven Suggested star names: 1 - Red Coins 2 - Under the First Building 3 - Under the Bridge 4 - Hidden Ledge 5 - Far Away from the Start 6 - Top of the Haven

B1 Day - The Daylight Sanctuary Suggested star names: 1 - Hidden Ledge 2 - Far Away from the Start 3 - Top of the Sanctuary 4 - Back to the Beginning 5 - After the Spring

B3 - Bowser's Aerial Castle Suggested star names: 1 - The Castle's Entrance 2 - Red Coins 3 - Inside the Castle 4 - Koopa Shell MIPS 7 - Under the Castle

MC - Skyover Maze Castle Suggested star names: 1 - Red Coins 2 - Lava Path and a Spring 3 - Switch Gate under the Pipe 4 - The Lava Towers 5 - The Longest Path

WC - Valley of Dreams Suggested star names: 1 - The Castle's Star 2 - Slide of the Valley 3 - Tall Platforms 4 - Ring Secrets 5 - Red Coins

VC - Diedol Factory Suggested star names: 1 - At the End of the Chuckya Maze 2 - Red Coins 3 - Secrets around the Fake Platforms 4 - Back from the Switch 5 - Past the Whomp

Slide - Ol' Good Slides Suggested star names: 1 - Hidden Room 2 - Timer 3 - On Top of the Castle 4 - Hidden Ledge 5 - Red Coins 6 - Detour at the Start 7 - The Slide's Secrets

FF - Fireball Fright Suggested star names: 1 - The Highest Tower 2 - Secrets over Lava 3 - Skating over Lava Towers 4 - Red Coins 5 - The Long Lava Path 6 - Hidden Secret 7 - Panels over Lava

RPD - Ruined Plains Domain Suggested star names: 1 - Panels by the Wall 2 - Over the Lavafall 3 - Secrets on the Plains 4 - Switch Gate 5 - Red Coins 6 - Hidden Cave

Here are some suggested star names for B2 - Bowser in the Melting Ice Tower, which is already added: 1 - Skating for Secrets 2 - The Hidden Hole 3 is already added 4 - The Lonely Platform 5 - The Tower's Chimney 6 - Red Coins 7 - Inside the Tower

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
Phanton المعجبون بهذا

I second this, this hack should have SIngle Stars/Stage RTAs like any other.

DJ_Tala المعجبون بهذا
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Everything should be added now, if there are still issues or if i forgot something feel free to post it here.

DJ_Tala المعجبون بهذا
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نُشرت 3 years ago