New Category Proposal
3 years ago

I propose to introduce a new category in which the goal is to lose as quickly as possible, I think the idea is not a bad one and it will be more fun to dilute the spider races in this way, what do you think?)

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
Alabama, USA

Doesn't make sense for me... There's not that many different places to die quickly... It's either thugs at the end of the training or the electric fence + gun thugs...


This is the point of reaching the moment where you can die as quickly as possible, the usual speedruns are fed up, in fact, the maximum spider passage time will be reached, only if you do not find a new bug. I think the idea is not bad for a variety of races)). (if I write from a translator, there may be errors)

Alabama, USA

I want to convince mods to add "100%" and "all collectibles" categories. It's much better and reasonable, than your idea. But only imo, there could be people who disagree with me...

Ctrl المعجبون بهذا

Categories like "die%" only exist is games that already have a lot of categories, and it's usually more of a joke run. We are probobly not going to add "meme categories" to the leaderboard for the foreseeable future.

An "All Secrets" (all spiders+prisoners) run was in the works for a while, and then was abandoned. Since we see now that other people have intrest in this kind of run, we will definitly work on it and add it in the next few days :)

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آخر الأخبار
New subcategories added. Lagless/Lag Switch

"Lag Switch" is now a subcategory. "Lagless" will be the main (default) subcategory for all categories. Also worth to mention that a rule adjustment has been made:

  • Lagless: capping the game's framerate to any value below 60 is not allowed
  • Lag Switch: capping the game's framerate to any valu
1 year ago
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