Will emulator be accepted?
2 years ago

Understandably it will not, but I presumed there was no harm in asking as it seems a very fun run. My capture card simply won't work with me. If emulator runs are denied, then I'll simply do my best to get capture card to work as best as I can with PS3. Thanks in advance!

United States

When I first did runs of this game it was on ps3 emulator and wasn't accurate compared to console runs, that's why I never submitted it here. That was a year ago when I did it unless something changed with emulators to make it more accurate it's going to be a no from me

Georgia, USA

Hey Drake_Shadow! You have my full blessing to change or add anything here! I can't send you a direct message, but add anything! I just saw a run was rejected for being on series x; it can totally be added! I've just been away awhile and forgot how to change stuff! Thank you kindly for keeping this game going!!

United Kingdom

I'd say allow emulator and just make a note of it or create a different category if its a huge deal, as long as you show frame rate to show its capped to 30 like console I dont think its that different, ive been practicing on emulator with savestates and apart from a little lag in some places it holds up fine. I feel like actions that promote more runners and more accessibility is the better option than banning emulators and closing that door on people who dont have the funds to access older consoles or capture cards

Pennsylvania, USA

i agree with the emulator thing - it might help get more runners on the board. I've always wanted to improve my time so using an emulator with save states might allow me to practice the sections I need without needing to play through the whole 3 to 4 hour run. And while, of course, we could practice on emulator and do our actual runs on console - allowing it might get more than the 5 or 6 runners we actually have.

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