better sexy hiking
2 years ago

i was looking trough the folders of sexing over it and saw an improved version of sexy hiking. Here's the link

Merl_ و 72pinkush تُحب هذا

wow carotina this is nice! This client doesn't force my monitor to 640x480 :D It looks like the max resolution is double the original, 1280x960, past that resolution it just adds black borders around the game. Higher resolution should allow for more precision I'm excited to play with this, thank you :D

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Merl_ و carotina06 تُحب هذا

guys I tested the game with another laptop and it seems like the resolution goes up to the highest 4:3 resolution windows allows for the monitor you're playing on.

It is a 16:10 monitor and the resolution is 2560x1600 The highest 4:3 resolution allowed by windows in settings is 2048x1536 I launched the game at native resolution, took a fullscreen snapshot and confirmed it's resolution matches the max 4:3 setting.

In conclusion what this client does is display the game at max 4:3 res and put black bars around it. If you set your resolution to any 4:3 resolution(custom or official) under what windows has set as max and then launch the game, it runs 4:3 stretched fullscreen. Personally I like playing at 960x720, It gives me the snappy jumps with the hammer and gives good enough control.

Also I couldn't get it higher than 640x480 windowed but that's a lot better than the original client because it doesn't force the whole monitor to 480p :D


i might continue working on this and try to make it even better

72pinkush و carotina06 تُحب هذا

something i did notice about this version is that it feels slightly different so if it gets used in runs it should be in its own category.


it doesn't change anything about how the game plays people can use whatever client as long as the game is the same it's fine not a big deal

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