Dreamcast/PC and Arcade differences?
3 years ago
Lazio, Italy

Hi, I started running Individual Tracks on the Dreamcast version of the game and I noticed something about the Peugeot 306 Maxi, at least on the Dreamcast version. I can't really reproduce the maneuvers that people do with that car on the Dreamcast version of the game, the car just feels a lot different, and slower. Now, I can't confirm this completely because I have no way of playing the Arcade version so far, but I would like to know if someone else has noticed the same thing with the Dreamcast or PC version of the game. Could this be investigated a little further?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Hey Brionac, check out the thread I just started in this forum, I share some thoughts on arcade differences