Any% Notes - Sept 12th - werster
Any% Notes - Sept 12th - werster
تم التحديث 8 years ago من werster

These notes aren't formatted perfectly, but I figure it's better than nothing. They were made mostly for me, so some of the terminology might not make any sense. Always just hit me up on Discord (or twitter) if have any questions about this game/these notes.

Advanced (but not really and just putting separately in case want to do other strats):

CC2: Try for first double ramp jump. Always try to time late, so if you miss you can just stop by holding left. If straightened after the ramp, you've already passed over and can start holding left already: (

CC3: Moving Peelout up to the incline. Start after 0.3. If a bit early on the release, try to hold up for the frames after the unpause, losing more than 1 frame of speed before the jump will make you miss.

These are the two good frames to jump off: 1: ( | 2: (

TT2: Start with a peelout, and hold right to get to wall. Neutral to not fall in first, then hold right to get in second. Immediately small jump as you land, roll at top of hill and then hold right and jump once you collect first ring.

Max jump -at- the big pole in the background, rest the same.

PP1: Peelout, jump, hold back and drop at 1, 2, 3. Move left a little before max jumping to speedshoes, hold right once hit wall, then jump across to the right. Max jump at dark background ( [Keeping mashing a in the air in case go over enemy before spring] Move back off spring before forward to build some momentum. Max jump off second platform, Max jump halfway between checkpoint and jump After bouncing off butterfly, pause to try and hit one of the following frames: 1-A: ( 1-B: ( 2-A: ( 2-B: (

On 1's, after releasing hold jump again as you will bounce off second butterfly. On 2's, get ready to invis jump. If slightly over the 1's (i.e 1-C), can pull back a touch to still hit second butterfly instead of trying to hit a 2. Same goes for 2's, if slightly over can pull back to hit invis. Wait until slight down slope, ramp jump off it to finish

Backup: If messed up after spring, small hop off platform 1, then again off 3 If missed jump off invisible platform, just hold right to end. If missed enemy bounce, hit springs below. Move back a touch to land on top grass

PP2: Peelout, hold right until edge (no speedcap). Sweep-Mid jump once land on platform, hold right once drop to speedcap speed, mid-bounce off speedshoes to reach platform. Jump up to platforms above, do small jump once reached the tiny ramp on the grass. Max Jump and second incline on grass. Small-mid jump once halfway up ramp to go above spring but land on flat grass. Max jump to get ontop of loop-de-loop Roll once at edge to bounce. Max jump off ramp once hit ground (drop if see perfect height in the air, goes too far) Once land on ground, small-mid jump, roll through ring box, and max jump to end

PP3: Peelout, jump once wall in foreground appears (and neutral) to reach spring. Move right a touch then back left, small jump and roll through box to spring. Hold right once hit ground, roll once at top of first loop. Hold nothing on boss and get hit right, jump 3 times. Set self on leftmost edge, peelout, and hold right when appropriate to go straight into hole.

Timing: Start is from this frame ( '40 = Hold right 1 frame less (e.g '39/8) = Immediate pause unpause with neutral, then hold right (about left edge of waterfall) 2 frame less (e.g '37) = Sonic fully cleared waterfall - Halfway through black pole 3 frame less (e.g '36/5) = Sonic fully cleared black pole - any part touching dead grass 4 frame less (e.g '34) = hold nothing Anything over = Jump at dead grass and fall in (hold back at the end)

CC1: Peelout, hold right, jump when see cleared blue pipe background. Moving peelout (U+L third phase), neutral once halfway between solidarity in walls. Pause once above spikes, and hold right, unpause and pause again. Match yourself to frame, and level wrap. Once wrapped, hold right for a little bit to move over signpost

Zip: (e.g '06/'05): Frame 0 - Hold nothing, and you will stop above the second set of spikes. Attempt to rehit one of the following frames (e.g '07): Frame 1 - Neutral, this will level wrap (e.g '08/'09): Frame 2 - Neutral until you hit the ground. From there, hold left once you hit the ground on frames 2-5, that is frames 25-29 after you release neutral (Do not switch on first frame you hit the ground). E.g. from 3'91, switch to left from 4'33-4'40 (e.g '10): Frame 3 - Neutral until you hit the ground. From there, hold left once you hit the ground on frames 1-2, that is frames 23-24 after you release neutral. E.g. from 3'93, switch to left from 4'31-4'33 (e.g '11/12): Frame 4 - Neutral, this will level wrap

CC2: Peelout, hold right. Small jump at second big pole in background. Touch back left to hit small incline to cancel speed. Neutral and then touch right to stop. Peelout, and max jump at tip top of slope to get above roof. Stop and peelout again, then roll once near edge. Roll when hit ground as well, small jump once rolled through enemy, then roll again down big slope. Jump once horizontally aligned with big sign to the right (, and bounce off bumper. Once vertically above second bumper, touch right to activate speedcap, touch back left to slow down a bit, then hold right to get inside opening. Move back left, and roll into speedshoes. Peelout to the right, hold back a bit to not go to high. Just before hit ground, move back left and hit spring that appears. Just before landing on flipper, move to the left a little bit to get a touch more height off it, then jump up to roof. Just before falling off roof, small jump, then max jump, then max, then small. Roll through ending, neutral as you fall, then hold right once you hit the ground to the end.

Backup: If miss slope jump to the roof, go to the second slope and try again. If didn't jump after rolled through enemy, you will hit bumper. Do a slight touch back left, then hold right. Roll through ringbox and max jump, try to hit wall in between enemies, then move back left and roll into speedshoes.

CC3: Move up to incline, peelout and jump. Hold right once hit ground, roll before edge and finish.

Backup: If miss this jump once, do a moving peelout through the wall instead.

TT1: Peelout, hold right and jump (speedcap), bounce off both bombers to get above roof. Peelout, and hold right. Roll before gap in ceiling, then hold right once above spring, hold left once through hole to hit red spring, then roll and time travel. Continue rolling the whole way. Max jump before the edge to bounce off box to next platform. Spindash through box, mid jump to next platform. Max jump to next platform, then run off this one and small jump to not land on final platform (time travel again) Stop, and peelout to finish.

TT2: Hold right until start falling. Neutral to not move into first opening, hold right again to move into second opening. Roll just before slope, jump and hold right at second ring. Touch back left in the air. Max jump after cleared pole in background. If done right, should get stopped by moving blocks and then hit spring below straight into opening. Jump just before crab, hold back left to hit ground below, then jump right. Jump through crab into springs Neutral for tiny amount of time once above wall, then hold right. Max jump , then hold back, jump and kill bomber above spring then take spring above. Mid jump to land on ground below, then max jump into opening. Moving peelout through wall (U+L third phase), then hold right once falling. Small jump once near edge, then max jump right before contact with fireball. If bounce off bomber, take max bounce. Max jump again once hit ground, should dodge all fireballs afterwards. Roll once on slope, jump out for speed, and then jump before ringboxes if required (time travel) Jump through opening, stop, and peelout to end.

TT3: Peelout, jump just after slope disappears. Activate speedcap once over platform, fall to ground. Move a little bit to left for a charge, and moving peelout into the wall. Release once fully inside, and hold left. If double zip, just keep holding left. If no double zip, jump up to the right, and on middle platform do another moving peelout. Once zip to right again, jump out and hold right into boss.

Boss: Stand on left edge of leftmost dead plant, Jump and hold right at audio cue. (Work the sucker to death, cmon now work that sucker to death) - Directly after final line of "death" is completed Once hit ground, jump again immediately. Neutral for a touch to get in between air bubbles, then continue holding right to maintain space between, and get the hit. Peelout, and release once half of 'robotnik' if off screen, jump before wall. Stop, peelout, and release once not underwater.

After jumping over tube and canceling time travel, do not roll down ramp. Instead once at top of hill, hold neutral and fall into spring. Tap right and then left just before ground to stop, and peelout to the right.

QQ1: Hold left, pause aiming for either '38 or '40. If hit, roll, and go through ramp with high speed. Jump after final incline, jump again and run through enemy, jump again and touch incline to cancel time travel, jump again. Once at top of ramp, neutral to fall down at slower speed to ensure you hit the spring. Stop once you hit the ground, and peelout to the right. Hold right on ground, neutral over the first gap, and roll over the second one. Once hit wall, hold back left and roll into speedshoes. Peelout, and hold right. Jump just before/on down slope to get over spring. Touch back left to make sure you don't hit wall. Jump over walls at the end (slow yourself down as much as you think is required)

Backup: If missed the 2 frame pause at the start, keep holding left until the slight downhill incline, then roll. Will have less speed, but still works fine. If missed spindash slope jump, just stop and peelout. If hit spring you tried to jump over at the end, hold right until hit first wall, then neutral for a bit to not hit second wall, then hold right again. Max jump just before end of crumbling platforms, drop jump to min bounce in case hit enemy below.

QQ2: Peelout, hold right as much as possible on ground to keep utmost speed. Jump to hit the rightmost top of roof above, if done perfectly should hit spring below but have enough speed to touch roof to the right. Touch back left to not hit next spring, then run through enemy, then hold left to cancel time travel. Move over to right and jump over spring, land on speedshoes. Small jump over second enemy and red spring, then Max jump just before centipede, roll through next enemy and jump, then roll again and max jump off final flat ground. Small-mid jump over next enemy, then mid jump through breakable block (max jump if don't bounce off enemy). Hit wall, then move back left and Moving peelout in tiny space through wall. Once fully through, tiny zip to the right, then jump onto platform and hold right to get over spring. Jump at top of incline, then jump off end of moving platform and run to end.

Backup: If jumped too late at the start and missed the roof, will jump over spring. Jump again, then roll as soon as you hit the ground (to cancel time travel), then roll through enemy and as normal. If jumped too early at the start and will not have speed to hit spring then roof, activate speedcap and small jump over the spring, then as above.

QQ3: Hold left to spring, hold back right and small jump off incline to get through opening. Keep holding right to reach small platform after crumblind blocks, stop and peelout. Roll once hit conveyor belt, jump almost immediately once you hit the ground. Perfect jump will send you to top route, if so jump off both belts up there and neutral as you run to boss. If not perfect jump, just run through bottom route, jump up to final belt and peelout.

Boss: Touch back when ball if halfway down, jump and holding right just before it hits the ground.

Backup: If got the perfect jump, it's likely boss will glitch out and have the belt running fowards instead of backwards. If so, instead of holding back when halfway down (you also prob won't have a great camera), do so as soon as you hear the buzzing sound.

WW1: Peelout, hold right and small jump just before second pole. Small jump at first ring, then small jump again. Max jump and bounce off bottom to top route. Max jump at second ring, then jump through grass hopper and stopped by platform. Peelout, and neutral jump into tube. Neutral until hit ground, then hold right before you hit the roof. Jump off platform, then neutral once hit second moving platform so you get stopped by wall. At about 17'60 onwards, hold right to move onto booster. Sweep-max jump at third set of rings, then mid jump, hold right above third platform (second that you land on). Continue holding right, and after 2 bounces you should run into a moving platform on universal cycle. Max jump off it, then max jump off second snake-like platform blocks (the one you land on), and run off another moving platform, then run ontop of shield box. Max jump off it, then stop and peelout to finish.

Backup: If missed that final platform on universal cycle, just keep holding right and eventually you'll be bounced up to the top route. Do a moving peelout, once inside wall move a bit to the right as you are falling, then zip out to the right, and you're at the end. Charge a peelout and done. If didn't jump off 2nd snake-like platform block, Max jump off the 3rd one instead. Mid bounce off shield to final stretch, peelout and finish.

WW2: Peelout, hold right. There are 5 sets of rings once you start falling, hold back left at an imiganary 6th set. Move back right once on the ground for a bit, will clip edge of roof and always take you to top platform. Jump left into spring. Jump out of ramp, then move right. Hold back a tiny bit once rolling in tunnel (but don't cancel time travel), do 2 loops and time travel. Jump out straight away. Moving peelout to the right (U+L third phase), hit ground and max jump to the right (neutral once falling through) Moving peelout again (U+L third phase), then mid jump to land inside wall. Zip to the right, and attempt to release/pause on first frame outside wall ( Neutral after zip, then move through final wall. Jump out of spinner to the right, then jump straight away and bounce up. Once hit wall, move back to the left for pole, and jump off that to the right, run and finish.

Backup: If didn't lose speed between hitting first spring and jumping out of ramp to tunnel, don't hold back and only do 1 loop, then jump out and time travel. After zip, 3 possibilities. You can tell by camera position.

  1. After the bounce, camera did not move back down at all. Hold left and do 2 zip inside the wall, then move right and jump out
  2. After bounce, camera moved down but only slightly. Hold left for a small zip, then hold right for ~2/3rds of a second, then neutral for ~1/3rd of a second, then hold left to do final zip to the right. Jump out as normal
  3. Camera moves down whole way. Moving peelout through final wall (U+L final phase). Mid jump over block once hit ground again, then hold left for a zip to the right, and jump out as normal. Note: Just always have to use method 3 if didn't get perfect zip.

WW3: Peelout, hold right, no speedcap and jump close to edge to make it to platform to the right. Jump again to obtain shield, move back left and perform a moving peelout. Release peelout inside wall (not a zip), hold right and fall down. Move to the left and roll to clear ringbox, do another moving peelout (U third phase), release peelout once hit ground. Jump out of ground and into boss. Boss is simple, you have like 2 seconds of leeway per hit. Final jump after 3 light flashes. Charge a peelout while exploding, run to finish.

SS1: Peelout and neutral to ensure slopes work. Roll just before first downhill slope. Max jump on flat ground just after first downhill slope to jump over Past travel sign. Continue rolling, then small jump just before spring. Get to booster, and hope it maintains speed. If not, stop and peelout before spikeball. After you pass the spikeball, roll, then slope jump off ramp for speed. Unless perfect slope jump, you have to jump to get through path switcher at wall above. Run into booster, pray it works, and neutral over gap. If not, land on speedshoes, and then jump over gap. Roll and neutral jump at downslope to attempt loop skip. Once at incline, do a small-mid jump to get to ground above. Roll through invincibility and mid jump. Hold right to bounce off enemy, roll and neutral slope jump off final slope to end.

SS2: Peelout, and neutral high jump to ground above. Into boosters, roll, activate speedcap once over tiny gap to fall down. Jump to switch paths, and roll down. Continue rolling until double incline, jump at tip of final incline. Continue rolling and jump at end of flat ground to reach ground above. Hold right until enemy and then roll, keep rolling until spring. Hold Up+Right until 2/3rds of way through tube after second spring, then hold just Up. Switch back to Up+Right after first opening to the right goes by, then neutral max jump just before spring.

Backup: If swapper didn't work properly and get stuck to top path, jump over future post and fall down first gap, and hold left to hit ramp and roll as normal. If hit absolute tip of incline before jump with some subpixels you will miss roof and go onto top path. If so, hit booster and roll, then once start falling through gap, move left to make booster below move you right, and roll again as normal.

SS3: Do not try to ramp jump for speed, just roll and soft jump over the spikes, then stop and peelout to roll to hit it. Still get there fast enough to not lose any time.

Peelout, and hold right. Roll just before downslope to ensure going through boxes, and slope jump to Metal. Never activate speedcap in race unless below speedcap speed. Charge a peelout, and release when open (neutral over small gap) Jump over first 3 set of spikes as normal, then stop and peelout. Jump once you reach purple circle on ground to get over next set of spikes. Continue running, roll down small hill and jump over next set of spikes. Stop and charge a peelout, roll down the big hill and then do a max jump off incline afterwards to clear 2 sets of spikes. Small jump over next sets of spikes, then roll down hill and jump over next set. Run up hill and 2 small jumps, then big jump over gap, then small to fall below and small to land above. Stop and peelout (neutral over small gap), roll down hill and big jump over spikes. Jump over gap + spikes, roll down hill and jump out for speed, then jump over final 2 sets to the end.

Backup: Learn the level layout, things can change based on how your jumps go. Just keep a solid lead and time won't matter, just have to keep him at max rubber band which isn't too big a lead.

MM1: Pick up first past post, and then run with invincibilty through alternates spikes. Max jump when past it, will always hit red spring for top path.

Peelout, hold right, neutral over gap, then min jump once hit ground again to spring and hold right. Min jump to next spring. Neutral in the air a bit to land between 2nd and third springs. Small-mid jumps to go over 3rd spring and then pick up past signpost on second jump up. Run through spikes, and then max jump once past spike post, land on red spring onto top path. Stop, and charge a peelout. Neutral to not activate speedcap on first drop, but hold right on second drop to bounce off enemy. Jump on last piece of flat ground to get hit by spikes above and get sent right. Peelout to the right. Neutral small-mid jump to land on 2nd platform before second crusher. Max jump, roll off 3rd crusher into speedshoes. Jump at edge and run right. Hit spring and continue right. Wait for crusher to move up, roll under it, hold right and jump to finish.

Backup: If jumped over red spring that takes to top path, just stop a peelout. Mid jump over first moving spring, then hit second moving spring near motorbug below and hit the right side of the spikes above and continue as normal. If stopped by terrain after speedshoes just peelout.

MM2: Move to the right, and get on second crusher. Jump up to the left, and hit red spring, then move right. (Jump off wheel) hit red spring below, and move onto wheel above, and jump off it to the right. Get on next wheel, roll and neutral jump up off it, and continue jumping up until small incline. Peelout, and hold right and jump off incline to go above roof. Hold right until you see second tube, then neutral jump. Hold right to checkpoint, then max jump twice over enemy. Stop at next wall and moving peelout (U+L and release third phase) Ideally get a full zip to the right, jump into falling platforms. On second one, when you can see half of it at the top of the screen, jump up and scale to the top. Peelout to the right and finish.

Backup: If don't get ideal zip, just hit spring below (best way to get ideal zip is to do a slow MPO, and hold left the whole time after release)

MM3: Peelout, hold right and small jump (tap left after spring) After jump under spike driver, tap left a little in the air to hit platforms (a little more if hit platform before falling) After first beetle, move to left edge but then -touch- to the right. This is not just for position but also can make beetles go a bit lower, less chance of damage

Boss: 1: Position so rightmost edge of Sonic is on the left line of background (Take damage) ( 2: Position so leftmost edge of Sonic is on the line (Take damage) 3: Jump as soon as he shows up 4: Position on second flashing light (Take damage)

2: If 1 ring, jump the frame after in line ( 3: If no rings, position on left side, jump and hold right as soon as he starts moving 4: If no rings, position near him and jump into him after 1 spin once stopped (does 2)

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