new category
3 years ago
United Kingdom

any% no president early

Kilkenny, Ireland

Could just call it "World Grand Prix" because that's what you'd be doing. All the rank c, b and a races, then the world grand prix and then the president race


How about naming the category "Any%(Glitchless)" to match the context of Reference (Category setup):

However, in this case, the Snow Mountain glitch is not available, so making money to buy parts could be tedious.

I'm interested in this category (No President Skip), so I'll try to run it once the category rules are set!

ZeroSuou المعجبون بهذا

I am also interested in a glitchless (probably allowing rock climbing and all the janky physics since they are extremely hard to avoid) category if possible to add!


Any% No Major Glitches would seem the most appropriate, would love to run this game if this is added.

Hodge, Cluckmyster, و theta_k تُحب هذا
United Kingdom

is it going to be added? i did ask for it 7 months ago

MysticManiac المعجبون بهذا
Kent, England

I agree, the any% has been perfected as is. No one is going to top Kona's run. So a No Major Glitches category would make sense and bring life back into this game!


Hi, I'm really sorry for the delay in responding. (And thanks for the reminder)

We solicited opinions on the discord server and we have reached a consensus, so we have created a new leaderboard for the category "Any% (No Major Glitches)"!

I would be happy to send you a run of this category. I'll do mod work ASAP :)

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Chottue و Gerarge تُحب هذا
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Some Updates on Leaderboards

With the help of some feedback we have made some updates to the leaderboards.

  • Added ”Any% (No Major Glitches)" category. This prohibits president skip and lap glitches. In other words, it is a category where you must do the race correctly to win the World Grand Prix.
  • Changed subcategories
2 years ago
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