The RNG, which includes random AI behaviour, random position after switching character, and random locations of Emblem Key and Alex, almost drove me crazy.
Two unfavourable results of RNG cost me extra 11s. Far Emblem Key: 6s. Natalia's climbing down rather than jumping after removing the gas: 5s
Still far from perfect. Sloppy movement here and there lol. But I did come up with some new strats, and I'm proud of them.
My PB of Alex fight is 22s, but I think 28s is great as well.
Some risky but faster strats would be used if there weren't so many RNGs, which had already made my life a misery lol
SRC, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to rename "Time With Loads" in the submission form to "Real Time Attack" for some stupid reason... When you submit, please place your IGT into the "Real Time Attack" time box and leave "Load Removed Time" empty. It's the only way to keep the leaderboard con