sped how
4 years ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Ive seen people go very fast in Any% Glitchless, and ive been trying to figure this out to improve my runs. Can someone give me an in-depth explanation on how to get the most speed without glitches?


You just have to hold both W + D keys or W + A when your moving since it is faster than just holding W. This is why in speedruns people don't look where they are going, they look a little right or a little left of the target.

Also crouchjumping increases your speed almost immediately, do this by simply just crouching just a bit before jumping, this way you get the immediate speed from sliding whilst jumping so you don't lose that speed because you are in the air, for example in level 0 you should do this in order to get the sword. After the first crouchjump you can also just hold your jump key to keep the momentum when hitting the ground again.

If you want to turn while mid air, you can only turn the way you are holding your W + Strafe key without losing speed. For example if you are holding W + A then you can only turn left without losing speed, do this by just turning your mouse left (or right if you are using W + D) whilst still holding W + A. You can't turn mid-air very quickly, you have to turn your mouse quite slowly in order for you to not lose speed. If done correctly you should actually gain speed while doing this, this is called air strafing.

So basically you need to use all of these things in order to maintain speed throughout the run. You should almost always be using W + Strafe key and crouch jumping. Air strafing you don't need to use much but with it you can gain speed mid air. (air strafing is a good idea as long as you dont turn too much and miss your target)

Anyways this is what I use, so someone else might have something else to add idk.

Also I watched your run and you are already doing this stuff pretty good.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

i know about all that, but im wondering if there is a consistent way to get enough speed for the double jump skip in lvl 2, or the double jump skip in lvl 0, or the enemy skip and double jump skip in lvl 5.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

basically, how do i consistently get 40+ m/s

In my experience, you have to just to the platform with the button while holding w + a, jump, then crouch as late as possible to get the 40 ms speed.


In my runs, when I'm on the wall on the left, I jump and start moving left with W + A at the peak of my jump, instead of right away since that way you gain speed from falling down as well. But idk is that 40ms because I dont have speed on

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago
Victoria, Australia

In level 2, all you need is a simple crouch jump. Jump then crouch, should yield around 40~m/s. level 0 skip, you don't even need 40m/s... it's all about the ending and how you crouch at the end of the platform. Level 5 skip, you just jump twice, once on the roof and the other at the corner, it's not too hard.

If you want to know how to consistently 45m/s+, you can learn how to SJS.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Thank you so much! Also, is SJS a glitch? I really only speedrun any% glitchless, so if i want to make sure if i can use it.


what's SJS lol


SJS is not a glitch, its just movement optimization, feel free to use it in glitchless runs

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