The Game Got An Update!!!
5 years ago
United States

Title. First thing the devs have done about the game in 5 years, from what I can tell. Here's the Steam post they made about it:

To summarize the changes: • Performance is improved • The infamous loading hitch when entering a room has been eliminated • Some fancy post-processing effects were added • The pipe in that bottom floor room that you had to jump over? It's been adjusted to be less annoying. • Doors actually line up with each other • Backend changes including converting from Unityscript to C# and updating from Unity2012 to Unity2019 • Shell casings obey gravity again. (I'm gonna test if half-loaded drones still levitate after being shot.)

So if you're like me and you play on a potato you tricked into thinking, you might be able to play and record runs AT THE SAME TIME! The disappearance of the loading hitch is great, and Meanwhile's autosplitter is completely busted by this update, (he told me he's gonna get on fixing it ASAP).

Happy running!

United States

Okay, so I went in and did some testing on my potato... The game runs worse. Lower framerate. I made sure I was on the lowest graphics option. Guess the new post-process stuff was added to the fast graphics options. Unrelated but there's still screen tearing. Didn't get a chance to test that thing with drones, but they seem to load in sooner now.

PSA to everyone who has the old autosplitter: TURN IT OFF BEFORE DOING ANY RUNS. It freaks out and starts resetting like crazy because of the update.

I'm half tempted to try running on the old version, but that would conflict with people running on the new version so I'm gonna hold off on submitting anything.

Again, happy running!

California, USA

yeah it should make the run faster though since no stuttering in doorways, but that sucks about lower end pc's. the stuff they added is all graphical options for the most part, which the game doesnt need since it isnt meant to look super pretty since it was a week long game jam game.

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