Resident Evil 3 and xbox 360 controller
9 years ago

Is it Just me that having issues getting the xbox 360 controller working on the Mediakite version of the game

United Kingdom

what sort of issues are you having? no input? certain buttons not working?

if it is those try giving xpadder a go i remember having to use that on RE2 pc

Crazy_Brian_96 المعجبون بهذا

input and setting up buttons are my issues Tried xpadder. game does not work with it for some reason


For xPadder, make sure you match the controller inputs to the keyboard settings on Mediakite.

Crazy_Brian_96 المعجبون بهذا

I have, still no luck


360 controller is a bitch to get working, even when you do manage to get it working it's not really worth bothering with.

i would recommend a ps3 controller but some pc's Blue screen from the drivers you need to get it working. if you do manage to get the drivers working though it's simple as hell to setup in xpadder seems like only few people get the bluescreen problem

If all else fails keyboard is a good option, the current world records for any% are done using keyboard.

Crazy_Brian_96 المعجبون بهذا

yo Crazy, do what I do:

Use XPadder and set the D-Pad to 8-Way, now put the directional buttons to top, left, down, right. You should now have 4 free buttons. Click the one desired and there click on "advanced". You should see an empty square on the top line, click it and put one directional key in, then click the next one and put the according one in.

For example:

Up + Right Right + Down Down + Left Left + Up

Like that your DPad will be working like a charm :)

Concerning all other buttons: By pressing F5 ingame you can pop up an option menu (I guess you knew that allready!?), you can input all other controlls und the "controller" tab easy, at least for me it works perfectly. Please make sure to have the drivers and the essentials program (I think that is what it is called at least, the one where a little info thing pops up if you press the xbox button when idling on windows) for maximum compatibility ^.^

If all else fails, set the keyboard buttons and then input those into XPadder as well, that way there will be no prob in using your controller even tho your game does not recognize it =)

If you can't get it to work, let me know, I'll make a little video of it if need be!


Crazy_Brian_96 المعجبون بهذا

Yeah could you make a video even after setting up xpadder with all the keys. the game does not recoginze it

EDIT Does the fact I'm using windows 8.1 pro matter at all?


Make sure you run xpadder with admin rights and it should work. That's really important if you want old games like RE2/3 to recognize your inputs from external software.


Running xpadder with admins fixed it uploading my re3 run to youtube now

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