Gas station%?
3 years ago

A few of us have been enjoying sharing our best gas station times, and agree it would be fun to have a category extention for gas station only!

It's a technical and fun part of the game, and a lot of mechanics crammed into less than 45s - everyone knows their best gas station time, I think it would be cool to have a leaderboard for them!

What do you think?

Eesane, q8glider و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
Ontario, Canada

I'm all for this as well

Lucylover و Manakim تُحب هذا
Florida, USA

Yes That would be f*cking amazing

Manakim المعجبون بهذا
Texas, USA

The greatest meme category.

Eesane, Lucylover و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا

That sounds like a really fun category that everyone can do

Manakim و Nredis تُحب هذا
Tokyo, Japan

Nix> what's meme category?

Sleepyfish>is it category?


mondomantra>i know 7rayD.he's so famous runner.


@Manakim can you explain your question a little more so I can answer it?

Manakim المعجبون بهذا


Lucylover المعجبون بهذا
Dublin, Ireland

I find we actually seem to weirdly enjoy the gas station lol. My LAS PB is 42.63. It could be simply made into LAS GasStation and CAS GasStation runs. It's a pretty technical part of the game to perfect and Frank presents an RNG element to it too. And for moderating it really wouldn't be a headache because the runs are around 43 seconds. I'd honestly volunteer to moderating just this if the mods don't like it. I'd say the only rule would have to be measuring every millisecond.

q8glider, GlassiaLabolis و 4 آخرون تُحب هذا

YEAH .. i consider the gas station as an important section in the runs i only run LAS and my usual time 43sec i managed to got 42.7 and still wondering how that happened

São Paulo, Brazil


cucurutcho, trator_ensaboado و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا

Im gonna submmit a 10min gas station if this becomes a thing

Man_from_Uganda المعجبون بهذا
California, USA

queue is big enough, lol

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