It is 3 weeks shy of 1 year of Thulius' run standing as WR, but no longer.
Lot's of avoidable time loss, but pretty much every oob went as well as I could have hoped for so a 23 might be a little tricky. Still going to go for it though.
Also shoutouts to PAX West for helping me stick to the game and want to improve, I genuinely never thought that I could get the record again since my old route 28 or whatever. And shoutouts to Jaxler for big gassin me up during my run, validation can really help push through the endless doubt I find myself in speedrunning, even over a decade removed.
# | الاسم | تقسيمة | انتهى في |
1 | Slide | 1m 39s 845ms | 1m 39s 845ms |
2 | Ascendant Light | 1m 01s 277ms | 2m 41s 122ms |
3 | AL HP | 0m 25s 313ms | 3m 06s 435ms |
4 | Heliacal Power | 1m 16s 120ms | 4m 22s 555ms |
5 | House HP | 0m 50s 175ms | 5m 12s 730ms |
6 | Cling Gem | 1m 06s 763ms | 6m 19s 493ms |
7 | Empathy | 0m 46s 352ms | 7m 05s 845ms |
8 | Tower HP | 0m 03s 185ms | 7m 09s 030ms |
9 | Bailey Key | 0m 18s 956ms | 7m 27s 986ms |
10 | Solar Wind | 0m 13s 367ms | 7m 41s 353ms |
11 | Indignation | 0m 29s 264ms | 8m 10s 617ms |
12 | Pro Gamer Suit | 0m 12s 702ms | 8m 23s 319ms |
13 | Alcove HP | 0m 28s 172ms | 8m 51s 491ms |
14 | Clear Mind 1 | 0m 07s 230ms | 8m 58s 721ms |
15 | Sun Greaves | 0m 19s 054ms | 9m 17s 775ms |
16 | Wall HP | 0m 23s 892ms | 9m 41s 667ms |
17 | Exit Library | 0m 21s 327ms | 10m 02s 994ms |
18 | Cling HP | 0m 15s 967ms | 10m 18s 961ms |
19 | Haze River HP | 0m 26s 825ms | 10m 45s 786ms |
20 | Start HP | 0m 14s 457ms | 11m 00s 243ms |
21 | Small Key/Strong HP | 0m 49s 314ms | 11m 49s 557ms |
22 | Martial Prowess Clip | 1m 03s 844ms | 12m 53s 401ms |
23 | Good Graces | 0m 27s 307ms | 13m 20s 708ms |
24 | RIGHT Aerial Finesse | 1m 25s 811ms | 14m 46s 519ms |
25 | Soul Cutter Clip | 0m 28s 177ms | 15m 14s 696ms |
26 | Box HP From OOB | 0m 47s 670ms | 16m 02s 366ms |
27 | Theater Key | 0m 07s 963ms | 16m 10s 329ms |
28 | Empathy Key Door | 0m 12s 497ms | 16m 22s 826ms |
29 | Best Seat HP | 0m 05s 646ms | 16m 28s 472ms |
30 | Clear Mind | 0m 36s 179ms | 17m 04s 651ms |
31 | Safe Room HP | 0m 16s 012ms | 17m 20s 663ms |
32 | Good Graces no oob :c | 0m 26s 719ms | 17m 47s 382ms |
33 | Pilgrimage | 0m 22s 247ms | 18m 09s 629ms |
34 | Wheely Room HP | 0m 13s 378ms | 18m 23s 007ms |
35 | StrikeBreaker | 0m 24s 531ms | 18m 47s 538ms |
36 | Underbelly Rampwell HP | 0m 23s 652ms | 19m 11s 190ms |
37 | Underbelly Key ذهبي | 0m 33s 179ms | 19m 44s 369ms |
38 | Keep Key New Clip | 1m 00s 941ms | 20m 45s 310ms |
39 | Keep HP | 0m 23s 990ms | 21m 09s 300ms |
40 | Sunsetter | 0m 18s 296ms | 21m 27s 596ms |
41 | Clear Mind No OOB | 0m 24s 549ms | 21m 52s 145ms |
42 | Castle Lobby HP | 0m 16s 470ms | 22m 08s 615ms |
43 | Tower Key | 1m 01s 145ms | 23m 09s 760ms |
44 | Princess :> | 1m 00s 056ms | 24m 09s 816ms |
With the Map Update, 2 breakable Walls, and a passage connecting them, were added in the Dillapidated Dungeon:
- near Strong Eyes
- near the Castle Sansa Exit.
This passage allows for skipping the key door near Strong Eyes when leaving for the Sansa Castle.
However, the passage is not enclosed