Autosplitter for consoles
3 years ago
Gävleborg, Sweden

I'm thinking of running Hollow Knight, but I wanna run it on my nintendo switch, is there any way to make the autosplitter work still?

Colorado, USA

Console has its own leaderboard for fair comparisons, and on that board it is timed rta

Utah, USA

for a timer, you can pull up on your phone, but theres not going to be an autosplitter for current consoles because its just not possible

you dont need the timer in your recording, however if you dont have a capture card you'll most likely need to record with your phone so in that case you'll need to have a different way to track time if at all

binary01103, Quatopine, and T_K_3 like this
New York City, NY, USA
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

Maybe ask SardineSlayer he used a console autosplitter

Gaming_64 likes this
United States

I believe SardineSlayer (and all console runners with livesplit up) use manual splits, ie they have livesplit open and running and click a button every time they want it to split. These runs are still timed RTA, so console runs with livesplit don't have the benefit of loadless time like PC runs have, which is why the leaderboard split exists.

New York City, NY, USA
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

Then why can't we have our own steel soul leaderboard

Gaming_64 likes this
New York City, NY, USA
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

But it is possible to code in console auto splits

Victoria, Australia

console autosplits are not possible for a variety of reasons.

i'm paraphrasing here, but autosplitting works by reading certain memory values from the game and then splitting on when those memory values update. this is only really possible on PC. if you'd like to learn more about this, you can read about it on the official Livesplit Autosplitter Component Github.

theoretically, it would be possible to code autosplits onto a console, but the first step that needs to be overcome is access to certain memory values. that can be done via modding consoles, which is already a pretty big step for the average user.

on top of that, the autosplitter would most likely have to run on someone's PC, as it would then be visible on an external monitor. i cant think of a single console that's able to run two different applications at the same time and have them both show on the same screen simultaneously. as a result, the console modded would need to be able to output the status of various memory values to the autosplitter on PC. again, this is all possible, but it's getting into the realm of "realistically, only a few people would even bother to do this".

the problem doesn't lie in that it's not possible, but rather that it would raise the entry barrier of running with an autosplitter on console significantly, and potentially give those with a modded console an advantage. a lot of speedrunning communities have rules against this to prevent people who can pay for better hardware/have access to better equipment having an advantage, and the rules are constructed to create an even playing field for all players.

as a result, there's just not much of a reason/incentive to make an autosplitter for consoles. you'll find this for a lot of console games, and it's why PC games have access to Load-Removed timing (LRT) and why consoles will most of the time have a separate leaderboard, as it's just not fair to the console runners.

United States

That all being said, note that some games do have autosplitters for console actually. They operate by reading in the video data and looking for certain features (e.g. black screen, or lap indicator flag in the case of mario kart 8 deluxe)

vichisuki and ManicJamie like this
New York City, NY, USA
He/Him, It/Its
1 year ago

I remember Rayman legends has a auto splitter for Xbox one

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Alternative Autosplitter - Submission Changes

A new autosplitter/load remover for Windows, Mac and Linux has been made available for run submissions. For information and installation instructions, see .

The [timing rules](

5 months ago