[TOOL] Polarity Mod Loader (with checkpoint system!)
9 years ago
United States

Hey everyone, I realized that since this game is a unity game and I've made hacks for unity games in the past before (Unturned, Rust, etc) that I could make a simple one for this!

So I've created my simple mod loader. It comes with a preinstalled checkpoint system as well as a simple debug overlay that shows your current coordinates as well as your horizontal velocity and true velocity. (Simple screenshot of the menu: http://i.imgur.com/wwN8OlH.png)

This mod loader is supposed to serve as a simple base for any future mods for the game that I create. Some things to look forward to include a timescale function, noclip, and maybe even an achievement unlocker because why not x)

Download link: http://tinyurl.com/polarity-mod-loader THINGS TO NOTE WHEN INSTALLING: My loader involves injecting a DLL, and I've included a DLL injector with this that can cause issues with antiviruses. If you don't feel safe with the DLL injector I included, feel free to delete it and use your own :)

Dungeonfire, Goodigo, و hadot تُحب هذا
Victoria, Australia

Very very useful, I enjoy very much :) b

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

I guess this'll make screenshots as a proof for ILs not reliable anymore. Still a pretty cool tool, now I can finally practice 08 in peace

EDIT: disregard that, i forgot that it "uninstalls" when you restart the game

United States

@Goodigo, yeah if you asked me honestly, screenshots were never reliable. If you ask me, I think it'd be a good idea to make people who get in the top #3 time have VIDEO proof, anyone else can use screenie unless someone can either vouch, or they're a trusted member.

United States

UPDATE: Here are my plans for other tools that I'm going to make. No word on when I'll feel like working through the list but I gave an ETA on about how long it'd take for each tool. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13oupozacKgKhlCLZtf-Ys_kzz9f8RZyjzUceQpcDaao/edit?usp=sharing Comments in it as well, open for edits, feel free to send to people if that's what you feel like doing

Michigan, USA


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