أداة: Bhop SAR/srconfigs Category
تم التحديث Jaio
من REQUIRES SOURCEAUTORECORD. For srconfigs users: Unzip the file and place into portal2/cfg/cats, and then in your extra.cfg, add the command "add_cat bhop". Run the command "bhop" to run the category.
Non-srconfigs users can just place the extracted file into cfg, and run it using "exec bhop".
Shiny new bhop boards!
Hello all, as you can see we have finally switched our bhop boards from a google spreadsheet to a full blown speedrun.com page! Even though the moving over of runs is still currently in the process of happening, I felt as though it would be nice to give a little "kick-off" post for the page.
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Faith Bhop (KranK)
المستوى: Dark Bhop - Course 1 (KranK)
المستوى: Bhop Which - Course 2 (Kess)