Any% Main Quest Holy Mission Guide by Kushwizard420
Any% Main Quest Holy Mission Guide by Kushwizard420
تم التحديث 5 years ago من Kushwizard420

Hello, I am the current world record holder for this category until further notice. If this guide is at all unclear or needs more explanation, find me on Discord on Outward Speedrunning and I will do my best to incorporate feedback to improve this guide. Without further ado, this is the guide/notes I used to practice this run.

Update: I am writing this after getting the WR for the same category in the new patch which changed a few things making some stuff in this guide outdated, but otherwise some new things have been found with the new WR run, some are replicable, some arent. Anyway, stuff for new patch will be signified as "#" which will denote (New Patch Only). Biggest thing with this patch is that chests are slower to pick stuff up from, and MT armor is harder to get during a run, so you are better off getting the desert boots and any chestpiece that reduces stamina cost.

*Necessary Items you need throughout specific missions, (#Red Pearlbird Mask, done by putting upgraded (black) white pearl bird mask in legacy chest, and Master Trader Armor, Master Trader Boots are only available from random Sorobean Merchant outside of towns), Travel Rations, Stamina Potions, Waterskin, F&S, Alchemy Set, Coralhorn Bow (2x Coralhorn Antler, Crystal Powder, Recurve Bow), Toxic/Explosive Traps, Scaled Satchel

  • Merchants and Resources restock every 3 Days
  • Supply Caches resupply 6 days • Time starts when you create character • Grab 1 Torch, Attire (3sp), Bandage, sleep in bedroll • Wake up, grab everything out of lighthouse, equip Satchel, make Gaberry Tartine (2sp each), leave • Go to Cierzo Storage, disassemble the bedroll that is to the far right (or if you got one from your stash, that RNG saves like 6 seconds). Before the skip, grab stuff from junkpile. Go to the barrel on the right side of the legacy chest door. Angle a bed as close to the barrel as possible on the right side of the barrel (facing towards the barrel). Then go to the left of the barrel and make a counterclockwise rotation towards the bed to make the game think you can permeate through the barrel and the wall. If done correctly, you will be inside the wall, and you can put the extra bedroll you have down in the room and then cancel the animation for sleeping in that bed as soon as possible and then grab the Pearlbird mask from your Legacy chest (make sure to have a file with that in the chest and make sure you put that file as your legacy for your speedrun). • Lmao, Alt Shift U in pause menu when you get the mask in Cierzo Storage, you spawn from outside and can go talk to Rissa who will be back at lighthouse, Oliele is right there too on balcony, Yzan is always at usual spot on the beach, Grab waterskin if you didn’t get one from the stash, grab the machete, hatchet and pitchfork on your way to speak with Rissa. • Talk to Rissa up on the hill, 3 Travel Rations • Grab Felling Greataxe, Grab stuff from chest in Rissa’s, • Sell everything, talk to Carlion about going outside • Buy endurance potions, if they only have 1, use the garberry tartine as stamina recovery otherwise reset until you leave with at least 2 • Travel to Monsoon, run northeast, you will pass by a hallowed trunk if you are low on silver, pop endurance potions and water simultaneously when out of stamina • As soon as you get there, just die as quick as possible (Alt Shift U, run into rancid water, Phytosaurs and Phytofloras) Either you warp to Monsoon, Immaculates Cave, or Somewhere in Hallowed Marsh (but mostly Monsoon. • Talk to Oliele, Grab Liviweed in 2 locations as well as junk pile if low on silver, buy plant tent (8sp) and discipline pot (15sp) • Talk to Cardinal, give pot to Zephy, or backup strat is to get firefly powder from junkpile randomly and give it to Mofat, Sell any extra of any reagents or products. • Go back to Cardinal, Go talk to Elatt, Join • Place tent next to Elinara, Sleep for 3 days, talk to Elinara • Go get a greasy fern from up the cliff near the altar and blaze it 420 • Bad Trip, go back to Monsoon, Talk to Elinara, sell everything she gives you to the merchant, if you have enough money, buy some of the mana stones (20sp each) from alchemist/shopkeeper to make crystal powder for later(you do need alchemy set (60sp) for this though), and if there is a coralhorn antler (60sp) get one if possible. • Go back to Chersonese, make sure to stop by missionary corpse for Purifier quest (necessary to get Mofat to translate for free instead of 150sp) and to have at least 6 rations and 5-6 stamina pots on you. • Once there, Run straight then cut right into the temple looking place for Ghost Pass • Grab the spiritual varnishes and run through, just remember to grab the chest around the room where the Red Ghost is, good to get money from, plus for the mad jukes, get to elevator and then leave • Run to Corrupted Tombs • Talk to Oliele by entrance to tomb, Go find Myriads skull to the left of main entrance facing, then go forward and then right towards the lit up area, put the skull on the body and then promptly smash that fucker cos fetch quests are stupid and time-consuming • Run back to the tomb, try not to aggro the wendigo, grab the stuff in the ornate chest(#Chests take longer to pick stuff up from, especially this one), after talking to Oliele and she tells you to stand back, get killed by the wendigo, ghosts, or just Alt Shift U and talk to her again and leave. • Press the lever outside and run towards the east, it’s the fastest way to get to Hallow Marsh. • Alt Shift U in pause menu. • Talk to Mofat as soon as you return, he gives you stuff and now "likes" you. Sell the loot you got to merchant or alchemist, exchange it for Gold Bars if you have 100+sp( especially if you still have the Primitive Satchel), grab stamina potions if necessary, if you don’t already have master trader armor and boots (you can get lucky and have it spawn in one of the many junk piles or hollowed trunks), buy the boots before the armor. • Turn in quest with Elinara, Make sure to give blessing to Oliele, you get 3 Marshmellon Tartine, which is the best Stamina recovery item in the game bar none, use these instead of stamina potions until you run out, sell everything else you can. • Unless you need to get any of the necessary quantities of items like Stamina Potions, 6 Rations,, Optionally Adventurers Bag (60 sp) or Scaled Satchel (Primitive Satchel, 3 Scaled Leather which are each 23sp) if you haven’t already, Sleep for 3 days • Talk to Elinara, Head towards Spire of Light which is the best way to get to Enmerkar Forest. Along the way grab all items from Supply Caches (# Pressure Traps are rarer), Broken Tent, Refill Waterskin, stop by Merchant if he is on the way there. • Once inside Spire, Go across bridge and to the right to grab stuff in the chest and then head up the stairs. Find the 5 different levers, 2 up in the same floor, 1 using and next to teleporter, 1 behind the gold lich’s throne, and 1 at the very bottom below the bridge you crossed first. Check some of the junk piles or chests if you need loot along the way. Once all levers are flipped, head towards the door on the far right when you enter the Spire, and then straight through the next door. • Go straight and then right towards Enmerkar Forest. • From there, Run along the path, stop by hallow trunk as there could be good stuff to sell, and head into Berg on the right of the long curved path • Talk to Roland to get more stuff to sell (Gold Ingots or Copal/Sapphire), Stop by Merchant to see if they have Coralhorn antler, Run to Blue Chamber • Talk to Oliele, and then make way back to Monsoon from Enmerkar to Hallow Marsh and then by using the death exploit to get to Monsoon. • Talk to Elinara, She tells you to go free Oliele from Lockwell, Talk to him and use Option 1, 2, 1, and he should get really scared and tell you to get her out of jail, Talk to Olilele, then finally talk to Elinara again and finish the quest. • Make necessary preparations (have enough stamina potions, 14 travel rations, etc.) before Sleeping 3 days for next quest • Talk to Elinara, she tells you to fuck off and get Oliele from the slums in Levant. Monsoon -> Hallow Marsh -> Spire of Light -> Enmerkar Forest -> Abrassar, Alt Shift U to -> Levant. • Once in Levant, grab the stuff from 2 junk piles on the way to Oliele in the slums. • Talk to her, doesn’t matter where she goes via talk, just go to Stone titan caves, Grab any and all junk pile and chest around the slums, talk to Trainer who teaches Pressure Plate Training for 50sp, Go back into Levant • Go to the Engineer and buy enough traps (Pressure Plates 18sp) and charges (18sp) to make at least 6-7 toxic/flame traps or make them with an alchemy kit (if you have one) and the recipes here (3x Toxic Charge: 2x Grilled Crabeye Seed, Salt) (3x Incendiary Charge: Thick Oil, Scraps, Salt) • Head towards Stone Titan Caves while running straight towards it, but then go towards the shipwreck (stop by supply cache if low on SP) and find a slanted hill along the left wall of the entrance towards the abandoned shipyard to get there faster (you need +25% movement speed (Mask + Desert or MT Boots) to make it up the slant, and there is an alternate path if you have less than 29% but takes a little longer). Use entrance of Stone Titan Caves that is past the bridge on the right of the top entrance. • When inside, run around the big rock and past the guy with scary palladium sword and shield, if he aggros outrun him, once you go north down the spiraling path down to the Ash Giant priest (800hp, one of the strongest non-unique enemies in the game), Oliele the madlass will try to fight it and gets mogged. This is your time to set the traps and the scary sword guy will lose you and eventually come down but he is not a problem yet. Set at least 7 flame or toxic traps and then agro the priest to run into them. He will die pretty soon, grab all his stuff and the stuff in the chest off to the left, Oliele will then talk about how “we” found what we were looking for, and if you can, kill the scary palladium sword guy with a trap or 3 because his loot is worth a lot to merchants. • Head south back to Enmerkar Forest. • On the way to Hallow Marsh, if you have extra traps, try and kill the Alpha Coralhorns to get 1-2 antlers, or stop in Berg to see if merchant has it (Merchants restock every 3 days) • Talk to Mofat, he translates the document for free, or the merchant in monsoon for 150sp • Go to the altar in the temple and Talk to Oliele • Elatt reveals why he is a god, and then tells us to go talk to some missionaries holed up in the hollow lotus, which is easy to get to, just follow the road back to chersonese, but go up the hill near the fountain • Talk to the missionaries, doesn’t matter if they agree or not, snag the stuff in the chest if you want some more loot to sell • Talk to the Cardinal when you get back to Monsoon (Alt Shift U), you will get the candleplate armor and boots which you can sell for a nice chunk of silver pieces • Sleep for 3 days, have the Coralhorn Bow either 50-100% complete, make sure to have only 7 rations for the next quest • Talk to the Cardinal, go to the Ancient Ruins entrance and go to the right towards the Hollow Cellar where they are. • You have a little bit of time to set traps before the two guards notice you, there is a third enemy below the entrance, but you do not need to kill/aggro him. Once the two guards are dead, pull the lever next to the cage and free the captives and talk to confirm they are saved. • Head back to monsoon through death exploit, Talk to the cardinal • Head to Berg, once there, pay Rissa 150 sp, Defeat Sagard Battleborn (traps are really useful here, as well as the Coralhorn bow), Give the Coralhorn Bow or a Horror Chitin if found from merchant to Gabriela Sulivan. • Make way to the Undercity Passage on the far right of Levant, to the left of where you first arrive in Abrassar are the merchants as well as trainers (10% movement speed buff for 500sp from Jaimon). • Try and run to make the gap on the left (it is possible with only Pearlbird and desert/master trader boots!), if not just pull both levers where the Troglodyte Knights and Grenadier are and make your way back across the gap that has a stone bridge, flip the lever if you are still aggro'ed and walk up the stairs. • Go to the palace entrance, insist on ending the riot and they will give you the key to the palace secret shortcut. • Go back to the slums and enter the undercity passage once more • Find the hidden passage way which right in front where your enter, walk up the stairs, get past the 2 guards if they spawn and enter the palace. • Before talking to Yzan, set some traps if you have any, talk to him and go through the dialogue until there are 3 options, select the third one each time and Yzan will help fight Cyrenne (but he isn’t that useful so be careful). • Kill Cyrenne or if you die get her to chase you somewhere away from Simeon and talk to him because they made it so you don't actually have to fight her if you die and go on the convoy back to Monsoon • Go back to the temple, run up to where everyone is and talk, Elatt will give you peacemaker elixir which you shouldn’t use, then go to the altar and go through the dialogue. • Defend Monsoon by ALT SHIFT U • You wake up victorious and now need to run to talk to the Cardinal. • Time ends when "Well Deserved Rest" becomes active quest
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