A World Record Guide[IN PROCESS]
A World Record Guide[IN PROCESS]
تم التحديث 5 years ago من T1_Luso

Hello speedrunners my name is Luso and you probably dont know my name because this game is unknown in the community. Anyway before i begin I will tell you what I did in each level to take World Record.

NOTE: Before you start the game you better get a cracked game or a game without cutscenes to prevent any time loss. And play the PC version instead of PS2, Gamecube or other versions. The Loadings are better despite crashes.

Level 1: You start the game and it´s night you need to reach the frog statue and spam jump + spin combo(you need to get used to this despite not being hard tbh) and you should reach to the first cutscene in 15s or less. If you get more consider a dead run. Anyway once you pass the cutscene fastly you need to get the frog statue to the objective point and then you go the other zone. Once you reach there you need to put 4 shots directly in houses and 1 in the bushes(this one is difficult trust me but you will get used). Once you destroy all 5 houses you will need to get to the last zone of this level and abuse again the J+S(Jump + Spin). Use walls if you need some velocity but use it properly otherwise DEAD RUN. Anyway you should reach here in 1:20-1:22 or less.

Level 2: You are in Gladys house and you need to reach again the worst part in the PC version which is deactivating traps. You reach there and you follow the button section asap and then you need to deliver food which might be a pain in the ass. Anyway there are 2 strats that are good. My strat consists on getting 2 foods and giving to our ally one of those and then i give all them to Penny. You cant fail any jump or your run is surely dead. Voiceless(Former WR) does another way. Voiceless puts all food down and throws Penny abusing the range that works. It is kinda faster but depends a lot on RNG.

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