Rule Additions/Updates
4 years ago
United States

This is a thread that is going to be dedicated to any and all rule changes that will happen within New 'n' Tasty. We will try our best to keep this updated so people can understand what things changed and why.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago
United States

General Changes

Added goals to all categories in both Full-game leaderboard and Individual levels.

  • (Clarification) Timer starts after the player hits 'continue' on the keyboard layout screen, and ends when the cut scene starts after pulling the lever in the Boardroom.

  • (New Rule) Some moderate frame drops are acceptable when submitting a run. However, any run with significant video footage missing OR substantial amounts of missing audio will be subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • (New Rule) No files are allowed to be edited within the game. This includes custom sounds, animations, and all cutscenes must be present within the game files in order to have accurate loading times.

  • (New Rule) Any cheat codes or external software will automatically cause the run to be rejected. This would include programs able to alter the game memory values or access them with cheating ways.

  • (New Rule) Any turbo feature or macro/script in order to automate key presses will be forbidden.

  • (New Rule) Any run new or old that no longer has video evidence will be instantly rejected. If the video is later re-added then the run will be reverified by a moderator to ensure the integrity of the run still stands.

  • (Clarification) All full runs must be submitted with RTA and IGT. To get your IGT, go to the chapter select section on the file your run is on, and add every individual time.

  • (New Rule) If the player crashes, they must load back to the chapter they were last on.

  • (Clarification) All full game runs must be started on a new file.

Individual Levels

  • (New Rule Individual Levels) Runs must be started from the restart chapter option found on the pause menu. The player MUST show the chapter restart in the video.

Added Any% NMG | 100% NMG to the individual level board.

  • (New Rule Any% NMG |100% NMG IL) The use of DDG (Death Delay Glitch) is not allowed.
  • (New Rule Any% NMG | 100% NMG IL) Teleport glitching is not allowed.
  • (New Rule Any% NMG |100% NMG IL) Runs must be done on hard difficulty.

General Changes

  • (New Rule) Unless it is later discovered that the Quantum Cap trick is executable on controller for PC, it is currently disallowed.
  • (New Rule) Players can not use checkpoint restarts to skip non-FMV cutscenes.
  • (Updated Rule) All runs must be submitted with IGT. Any run without IGT will be rejected. To get your IGT, go to the chapter select section on the file your run is on, and add every individual time. Runs without RTA can be calculated manually based on the video.

Category Specific

  • (New Rule Any% NMG | 100% NMG) Bomb levitation is disallowed on NMG.

Individual Levels

  • (Rule Removed)

  • (New Rule IL) The timer will start as soon as the player hits the restart chapter for the IL and ends as soon as the loading icon appears for the next level.

  • (New Rule IL) RTA will be the main timing method for Individual levels due to inaccuracies with the IGT.

Individual Levels

  • (Clarification) The timer will start as soon as the player hits the restart option (found in the restart chapter for the IL) and will end as soon as the loading icon appears for the next level.
  • (Rule Removed)

Quantum cap Trick will be unbanned since it's been confirmed it can be done on controller BUT with lower FPS enabled

A few changes will be made that the community voted on.

General Changes

  • (New Rule) All runs must be on hard difficulty.

Separated PC/Console runs

The category "Any% NMG (Easy)" has been removed

  • (Rule update) All full game runs must be started on a new file. The runner must show the new save being created and loaded in the run submission.

Any current run that isn't complying with this new rule will not be affected, only new runs.

This will only apply if it is needed for the autosplitter.

60FPS Cap For PC runs - A potential FPS cap might have to be put into place since it could affect the Autosplitter. If having higher FPS does cause the autosplitter to not behave properly then my proposal would be to have a mandatory 60FPS cap in place. This would mean that all new runs would have to show the FPS counter during the attempt. (Old runs would not be affected only new runs). Of course, if the FPS cap isn't needed then this rule will not be enforced. This is only the cause IF the FPS affects the splitter.

Category Specific

  • The Free Fire Zone chapter restart checkpoint abuse will now only be allowed on glitched categories. (Any%, 100%, etc).

Individual Level Specific

  • (New Rule) Categories with n/a as the world holder can not be ran. Any submission to those categories will be rejected.

Individual Levels

-(Rule update) The timer will start as soon as the player hits the restart option (found in the restart chapter for the IL) and will end as soon as the loading icon appears for the next level OR the screen completely fades to black before a cutscene.

General Changes

  • (Rule moved to non glitched categories only) Players can not use checkpoint restarts to skip non-FMV cutscenes.

Any run that was not violating this rule was reinstated onto the boards.

Allowed external controller problems to be used within the game.

  • (New Rule) Any program that remaps your controls (Xpadder, Joy2Key) can only be used for remapping. Any other features of the programs are prohibited. For example (Marcos/scripts).

Category Specific

  • (New Rule Any% NMG | 100% NMG) Using checkpoint restarts to skip non-FMV cutscenes is not allowed.

New global rules will be added for all of the games. These rules are fairly understood within the community, however, we deemed it safer to have them officially be on the rule page to remove any sort of confusion.

  • (New Rule) Runs involving music or heavy external sounds that compete with the in-game audio are subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators.

  • (New Rule) Users that submit runs then delete them and resubmit them repeatedly may be subject to a temporary submission ban depending on the circumstances. This determination is going to be on a user-by-user basis.

Reorganized the main rules so they were easier to understand.

  • (New Rule) Runs that do not show the chapter select times but still show the save slot time will have the seconds maximized to keep the run's integrity in place.
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
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