New member here and running into rate limit exceeded when trying to submit only two best times.
6 months ago
Florida, USA

First of all, thank you all for this community! I love it, and even though I am not a speedrunner, I have been captivated by this game and love seeing all of you hit these times!

I have an issue where I submitted a run with all the correct settings ant times, and it was approved. So, I move on to the next(I have 5) and it will not let me submit it. Is there a timeout I missed, or am I doing anything wrong? I tried searching the forums first and even entering a ticket. They told me to ask the mod, and I have done that. Just wondering if this is limited to me and user error or something?

All have verified links showing the time as needed and all that good stuff?

Thanks to anyone who can help. I would love to join this great community and learn to improve my skills from the masters here!

ThePKing المعجبون بهذا
San Francisco, CA, USA

While I can't say for sure what the policy is as I'm new here as well (Hi!), I can say it happened to me when I had a string of submissions - so it isn't user error or something just limited to you. That said, I simply spaced out my submissions by an hour or so. Sometimes I've been able to submit a new one within 15 minutes.

This may be an issue unique to NWC:NES given how many people are running it who aren't traditionally speedrunners and how many levels/categories there are to submit to - I have no idea how the SRC database is set up to receive form data but it could just be some race condition somewhere that isn't usually a problem as 99% of titles don't have dozens/hundreds of submissions a day.

ThePKing المعجبون بهذا
United States

I'm having the same issue.. finally got one submitted but have a few more I'm trying to submit and I'm getting the same error. But it's true that there's likely a lot of people making new accounts to submit here.. I just joined up myself just so I can submit times for this game, maybe others in the future. And I've been following speedrunning for quite a while and will occasionally check on here.

United Kingdom

Also a newbie trying to claim his internet points, how long does it usually take to process?

Florida, USA

I got a nice response. This is normal as they manually review them all. I really appreciate what everyone here does so I am glad I got a response. I will just submit at a lower rate :)

I wanted to post this here as an update.

RithEssa و Thee_Deadguy تُحب هذا

Hello I tried and it didn't work I got the rate limited error.

Gelderland, Netherlands

I can confirm that this error does not only happen to populair games (I got it with dadish)

It happens whenever I submit a second run and it exists to prevent spam but can be really aggressive especially for new accounts

Sadly I dont know anything about the issue, this is all information I got from other forums

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 months ago
إحصائيات اللعبة
جولات سريعة
آخر الأخبار
Weekly Races

Good morning everyone, I would like to introduce a new racing system that has been set up. Each week on Saturdays, there will be a Single Game Challenge race that I will spin a wheel to pick. This being said, the same game will not be twice in a row. If the game is <10 minutes then it will be a best

6 months ago
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: EX - Heating Up
المستوى: SMB1 - Axe to Grind
المستوى: SMB1 - Axe to Grind
المستوى: SMB1 - One on 1-1
المستوى: SMB1 - Shoo, Lakitu!
آخر المواضيع
نُشرت 6 months ago
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نُشرت 5 months ago
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