The answer is no, absolutely not.
The limit for new categories is 1 per month. I recently added All Levels. Please run that instead.
Small Mario only / Low% is a very gimmicky idea, and nobody takes it seriously.
The point of a speedrun is to go fast. If getting powerups is faster, you get powerups. End of story.
Welcome to Auschwitz.
I think small mario only (low%) would be a great idea for IL's. As for single segment, secret exits in 1-Tower and 5-B wouldn't be accesible. We'd also have to go to world 6 which I know nothing about right now. The world 2 boss would be different and 5-Castle would be very different. So low% would be like a combination of cannonless and secret exitless.
The secret exit is on 5-M and it doesn't need the blue shell. Also, some star coins are impossible/incredibly annoying to not be picked, I think collecting (and not spending, it woudn't even save time) should be legit.
Speaking of low% ILs, they'd be great but, sadly, any% and low% coincide so much times and a lot of ILs have already been done; I think the best we could do about it would be includind another column called "low%", like has been done for SMG2 with banktoads. Low% would fit really well IWs tho.
I don't think I'll be changing the IL boards to include Small Mario only.
- They coincide too much, like Mishu pointed out.
- Adding it to the table for IWs will add it to the entire Level Leaderboard, which includes ILs.
I just think Low% is a great RTA category, but I don't see it fitting in well with the IL table.
Never mind lol, I thought you were talking about star coins. No, stars aren't allowed, I would assume.
Nice job lachy glad to see your run! Low% sounds fun. It's a mix of any% and cannonless without powerups. I like it.
koffing heres the route i used
sorry forgot about world 5 heres an updated version
So idk if the most updated doc is clear (I just read it):
Go through W1 Any%, defeat the boss
Take secret exit in 2-3 to access 2-A
Use the spinning platform glitch (let go of the D-Pad when you launch), and take the pipe on top at the end of the level to the secret exit, which allows you to access the cannon to W5
In 5-2, take the secret exit, just like in normal Any%
In 5-Ghost House, take the elevator that you can only access via a door, which will take you to the secret exit to access the cannon
Ofcourse, take the cannon to W8
8-1 Hold R button and run through jumping when necessary (Holding R the whole time allows the birds to swoop down in an area where you can actually avoid them, if you do the level correctly
8-Tower use IL strategies (which is actually faster to do with no power up)
8-3 When you run into the bubble streams, let go of the D-Pad to allow the speed boost from the bubbles to last longer
8-Tower2 Don't even think about that death trick... for obvious reasons.
Complete bowsers castle
It's not a full on extensive guide, it's just the main strategies of the route really.
Earlier today, Twitch has that they are "implementing a 100 hour storage limit for Highlights & Uploads starting 4/19." There is a 2 month grace period for people with highlights on their channel to be able to download their highlig