9 years ago
Virginia, USA

Can we add a low% category? It would be any% but with small Mario only, and no star coins. Seems like a fun idea.

ANSIA المعجبون بهذا

I'd really like to have low% on the leaderboards, seems fun.

Colorado, USA

The answer is no, absolutely not.

The limit for new categories is 1 per month. I recently added All Levels. Please run that instead.

Small Mario only / Low% is a very gimmicky idea, and nobody takes it seriously.

The point of a speedrun is to go fast. If getting powerups is faster, you get powerups. End of story.

Welcome to Auschwitz.

http://www.speedrun.com/nsmbds/full_game#Low jk OpieOP

MyLittleWalrus, MarvJungs و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Virginia, USA

I think small mario only (low%) would be a great idea for IL's. As for single segment, secret exits in 1-Tower and 5-B wouldn't be accesible. We'd also have to go to world 6 which I know nothing about right now. The world 2 boss would be different and 5-Castle would be very different. So low% would be like a combination of cannonless and secret exitless.

Imaproshaman و Jumpyluff تُحب هذا
Virginia, USA

We wouldn't have to do the world 2 boss, there's a warp to world 5 in that world.

Jumpyluff المعجبون بهذا
Virginia, USA

Also, I just realized that the first star coin in 2-1 is literally impossible to skip as small mario. Maybe we should make star coins ok to get, but not spend.

Jumpyluff و ANSIA تُحب هذا

The secret exit is on 5-M and it doesn't need the blue shell. Also, some star coins are impossible/incredibly annoying to not be picked, I think collecting (and not spending, it woudn't even save time) should be legit.

Speaking of low% ILs, they'd be great but, sadly, any% and low% coincide so much times and a lot of ILs have already been done; I think the best we could do about it would be includind another column called "low%", like has been done for SMG2 with banktoads. Low% would fit really well IWs tho.

Colorado, USA

I don't think I'll be changing the IL boards to include Small Mario only.

  1. They coincide too much, like Mishu pointed out.
  2. Adding it to the table for IWs will add it to the entire Level Leaderboard, which includes ILs.

I just think Low% is a great RTA category, but I don't see it fitting in well with the IL table.


If point 2 is true, I guess Any%(warpless strats) won't be on the leaderboard too, right?

Virginia, USA

Yes, you just can't spend them.


I think stars are considered powerups, but they don't last forever. I guess they aren't.

Virginia, USA

Never mind lol, I thought you were talking about star coins. No, stars aren't allowed, I would assume.


finnally there is a run of low%

Oh_my_gourdness و ANSIA تُحب هذا
Virginia, USA

Nice job lachy glad to see your run! Low% sounds fun. It's a mix of any% and cannonless without powerups. I like it.

North Carolina, USA

doesn't the cannon in world 2 bring you to world 5, not 8?

Washington, USA

So idk if the most updated doc is clear (I just read it):

Go through W1 Any%, defeat the boss

Take secret exit in 2-3 to access 2-A

Use the spinning platform glitch (let go of the D-Pad when you launch), and take the pipe on top at the end of the level to the secret exit, which allows you to access the cannon to W5

In 5-2, take the secret exit, just like in normal Any%

In 5-Ghost House, take the elevator that you can only access via a door, which will take you to the secret exit to access the cannon

Ofcourse, take the cannon to W8

8-1 Hold R button and run through jumping when necessary (Holding R the whole time allows the birds to swoop down in an area where you can actually avoid them, if you do the level correctly

8-Tower use IL strategies (which is actually faster to do with no power up)

8-3 When you run into the bubble streams, let go of the D-Pad to allow the speed boost from the bubbles to last longer

8-Tower2 Don't even think about that death trick... for obvious reasons.

Complete bowsers castle

It's not a full on extensive guide, it's just the main strategies of the route really.


that is correct

Oh_my_gourdness المعجبون بهذا
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