Best Possible Any% time
9 years ago
Virginia, USA

So theoretically, if somebody got the "perfect" any% run, what would the time be? The run would have to be on Wii U VC, obviously, so in my opinion the best possible time would be about 22:30. What do you guys think?

Washington, USA

This is something the TAS shows for Any%, which is I believe a sub 21min now.

To get a perfect run, you would need insanely perfect RNG utilizing the mini mushroom, and keeping it from 5-Ghost House, using it to skip the elevator going up, all the way through 8-2. Even with human reflexes, you could probably barely sub 23 with this method, if you're a god of course.

However, if you're going for shell only strats, yes a 22:30 sounds about more accurate.

I've not seen a run with the mini mushroom yet, and would like to see if anybody could actually get that RNG.

I'm also pretty sure somebody could pull a 22:30 on an emulator, but I don't see it happening for a long time, considering somebody held the world record for 9 years before Ewaller finally took it.


I think something around that too, that would be pretty good, keep in mind that ILs have been updated a lot lately, so someday could actually be possible to sub 23 w/ DS loading times.

EDIT: Currently Any% TAS time is "21:08.08" and I wasn't really taking into consideration mini mushroom strats since they need an insane RNG and not a lot of people would grind for that.


Also, TAS run gains a ton of time on certain levels against current strats, see 8-6, TAS is 7(+1, 266 triggers fireworks) time units faster there than the current best 8-6 IL.

Washington, USA

I agree, the Any% run isn't at the point yet where anybody should grind for the Mini Mushroom strats, and it's definitely because of the stupid RNG. It makes me wonder if the game will actually ever get to that point.

It's not like NSMB Wii or NSMB U where you only need one powerup to actually do the run, even with a TAS it would probably only use the same single power up the whole time. (NSMB Wii TAS never loses the propeller at all, compared to human strats where it's damage boosted in 8-1.)

So I'm thinking maybe a TAS with shell strats only would probably solve this, just to show a theory of what the fastest time could be if you were an absolute beast.

EDIT: Perfect RNG with shell only strats would be: First red block at 1-Tower with shell Second red block / Hammer Bro at 5-Ghost House with blue shell That would be the only way to sub 23 I believe.

Virginia, USA

I think sub 23 is totally possible on Wii U VC, as the new IL strats save a bunch of time. I see it happening within the next 3 months. On DS, however, I think that sub 23 would have to be absolute perfection.

Virginia, USA

My run was near perfect up until world 8. Here is my projected time saves: 8-1: pretty good, could save some frames with optomized shell jumps 8-2: didn't make timer -2 IGT 8-3: -1 or 2 IGT: movement 8-Tower: Perfect I believe but no Bowser Jr quick kill. I'd have to be out of my mind to go for that in a run though. 8-4: Good 8-Castle: Good 8-5: Good 8-6: Many mistakes -8 IGT seconds or so 8-7: Many mistakes, took shell not fireballs -10 IGT 8-8: Good 8-Tower 2- Missed fireballs -4 or 5 IGT 8-Bowser- Very sloppy everywhere, got fire -10 IGT

Overall IGT: 37 RTA equivalent: 27.75 Projected Time: ~23:09

Note: This is with current strats only

Virginia, USA

Also the odds of getting the shell and mini mushroom in a run would be 1/64 so yeah... that's too much to hope for. And the elevator climb would require a lot of vertical walljumps to even save time. You gain so little height from normal wall jumps.

Also note that it does waste time going to get the mini mushroom it would take at least 2 IGT to get the mini mushroom so we're looking at (based on the new IL with the lack of optimization on the coin blocks) 8 IGT seconds saved. That is the equivalent of 6 RTA seconds. We would also need to have a lucky blue shell on 8-3 or we lose 40 IGT. So now we're looking at a ¤beautiful¤ 1/512 chance of getting all the drops we need.

In other words the new route is completely RTA viable OpieOP

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