So about the Master Collection...
3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I bought the Steam version and have a physical PS4 version in route from Play Asia and I have to say that I am not happy at the moment.

Razor's Edge feels like it has at least 5f of input delay, I don't have a way to confirm but it's not right. Having played on the Wii U, PS3 and 360 versions including CEMU and RCPS3 I know what the game should feel like and this is off. If you play with the tutorials on and you can see the button presses vs screen reactions you can see it's off.

The biggest kicker for me though is that the Infinite Karma Glitch has been removed, something that was in all versions up until now. It's gone. I tested it myself for 10 minutes, my friend tested it on his PS4 for 20 minutes, and I fired up my PS3 and 360 to confirm that I can pull it off there no problem.

I don't know what to say at this time but buyer beware, I seriously doubt they are going to put it back in with how barebones and low effort these ports are in general.


I played it recently and I didn't feel heavy difference, it felt the same as Xbox one BC. I think Karma glitch being gone is a good thing as we are finally going to be able to properly route the game. There is much to be discovered in this game.

For now with master collection runs. There will be a week grace paired between after the release to analysis the 3 games. Only then will major changes happen to leaderbaords.

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