Hi, is there any chance of Multiplayer% here? Why is it banned? I want to speedrun with 3 other players.
You can post a video of you doing a run here, if we get two submissions in this thread I will add an Any% Multiplayer category and then you can submit your runs there.
Does 'two submissions' mean all players in the run being different of some/all can be the same? Like me doing a run with a few others and some one else doing a run with featuring me.
All players in the runs don't need to be different, as long as both runs don't have the exact same set of people.
Know what, an any and 100 multiplayer categories wouldnt be bad. i think i might want to do that. if someone would join me via emu possibly cuz i got no one. how bout u supersabjiwalamario? could u? cuz im down