There are a few known glitches. Try these combos: Use: a Ring, Wings, or otherwise die. When: entering a staircase or door, or when defeating a boss, or going underwater.
Dying seems to cause you to no longer trigger enter/exit triggers, but you can still scroll by walking. This can let you exit a building to get to garbage terrain. Possibly an interesting exploit
Using wings during a transition seems to set you to be in a "warping" state, which more or less makes you intangible and unable to scroll the screen. This is probably useless.
Using a ring while in a transition will carry the monsters to the next screen with you! This also looks potentially like a promising technique.
Example of death transition in a staircase. You can now walk south, and find a different NPC room. Unfortunately you can't walk any farther as you will be stuck in a wall and unable to use your items anyway...
Another glitch: Use your Wings frame perfect while buying an item in a store. This will also make it impossible to play. I guess most of these glitches are useless huh.
Combine glitches: Use the ring glitch to bring slimes indoors. Then get another frame perfect death glitch on the slimes as you leave the room! You'll be on the overworld, and able to roam around without anything attacking you. But also you can't enter doors so...
Here's a new one: Get two boomerangs: Throw a boomerang and then buy a boomerang while it's still in the air. You'll be able to carry 2. You can still only have 1 on the screen at a time.
I ended up looking at every single indoor room. Unfortunately I didn't see any feasible way to not get stuck in a wall. And that's even considering if there is some way to recover from the Death/Warp state and back into normal gameplay.
For now, the only thing that seems useful is the Ring transition, as it lets you carry enemies between screens. That could be useful for a buffer overflow attack, though my guess is such a thing would be TAS only.
Just watched your video, pretty cool stuff. I'd love to discover if any of these glitches could be useful for a speedrun!
I'd also love to know if there are any glitches in the first Neutopia, as well. The closest I've seen was something I did accidentally, when I somehow clipped into the temple mother's sprite right after beating a crpyt, but all that did was result in a softlock as I was unable to move after that, so unfortunately not useful, but I guess at least it's something?
I am all about pushing the boundaries and trying to replicate things only thought to be possible in a TAS run.
Im highly intrigued by these discoveries and I might see if I can get some buddies who are good at finding / exploiting glitches to see if this can be applicable in a speedrun.
I will give this speedrun a look soon