World 1 was basically near perfect, only thing I didn't get was 1-3 key TAS cycle which saves 1.5s. World 2 had a rocky start but was also really good, most of the strats I wanted especially frame perfect backflip in 2-4 orb which saved 4s compared to my last PB. World 3 was okay, but had some bad timelosses in 3-4 and 3-5. World 4 was bad, I had a death from the Thwomp in 4-5 key which lost about 12s. World 5 was mediocre, lost 7s in 5-5 and in 5-MM compared to optimal strats. World 6 was basically the best I've ever done in full game runs, I didn't lose any time in ANY level compared to my PB and got almost every hard strat I wanted. Final DK was good, though I almost choked on the 2nd rehit since if I didn't move fast enough a spike barrel could've killed 39 pace. Overall, this is basically my "retirement" WR for this category of Mario vs. Donkey Kong GBA but who knows, maybe one day I'll return and improve it since the run does still have some timesave left.