HD Console FF7-9 Booster%
I'll be running this Thursday next week, so I was wondering if we can add a leaderboard for it?
-turbo -boosters allowed -English for 7 and 9, Japanese for 8 (as per free language choice for FF8 HDC leaderboards) -timing: FF7 new game to final hit on Necron
As responded in DMs, hit me up once you've done the run and I'll make it
Lupi_FF7 المعجبون بهذا
Forum requests for Categories
Hey everyone,
So as im sure many of you have noticed, im really bad at checking the forum posts for this game. Part of it is because runs are posted so infrequently I rarely check the page unless there is something to verify. The other reason is im just less active on the site with IRL stuff.
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