100% clarification and possible All Medals category?
New York City, NY, USA

Hey all.

  1. I have some questions about 100%. Is it all medals, all items, all cheats unlocked, all skins unlocked, and finish the game? Gamecube version has less items (no film canisters) so I wasn't sure.

  2. I would be down for an all medals category, where you finish every level with all bonus missions completed and good scores for accuracy/hits taken.

  3. One more thing: For my any% run, I feel its annoying for people to watch 5 pieces of the same VOD (thanks internet). I submitted the footage as one file on youtube, but if you require the live version, I'll upload the full OBS recording. At least people will then come here and see just one video that way. Just my two cents..




So, when I created the categories (I kind of made them up on the spot not expecting anybody else to actually play this game) I think what I had in mind for 100% was actually your suggestion for the All Medals category - I would be very much down with replacing the 100% as it is with All Medals as you describe it (though I am currently unsure how it works co-op).

As for an actual 100% category, I was actually unaware that the Gamecube version had less items, which really throws a spanner in the works. I guess the best thing to do would be split it by console, but I'd really like to avoid having so many unneccesary categories. Any suggestions for this at all?

For video footage, I'd say either of these are fine as long as the whole run is viewable. Our co-op runs are just an OBS recording uploaded to youtube - we never actually livestreamed them.

Finally, thanks for actually running this game! I was getting worried that me and my friend might actually be the only ones to do so!


Hi, yeah I like the idea of the 100% becoming the 'all medals' run or whatever. Tbh, I'm not sure what other differences exist between the different consoles, co-op, etc... That could be something me and Yeya could investigate over the summer when we're done with uni.

Video wise, I'm personally not that fussed, though if it's available on a single video that would probably be best.

Maybe the best thing to do to avoid an obscene number of categories would be to scrap the difficulty categories - no one really seems interested in anything other than easy. Then split it into Xbox, PS2, and GC, each with any% and allmedals% for co-op and single. That would still be 12 categories though...

As Yeya says, great to see a couple of other people running the game.

New York City, NY, USA

I'm down for replacing 100% with all medals. I'll give it a shot sometime soon.

As for version differences, heres what I know:

Gamecube- 2 discs, must change to disc 2 after completing Singapore Sling. Also has framerate drops on a few levels.

PS2- 1 Disc. Worse loading times I think. Loads of bonus content like film clips that can be collected, among other things.

XBox- Same as PS2 except the framerate remains pretty stable. Can't really think of much else.

SparkFly المعجبون بهذا

So yeah, for now, I'll replace 100% with All Medals and remove difficulty as a sub-category (though it'll still be required as a label on each run), and stop runs on different platforms obsoleting each other until a good method of splitting things up is decided. Similarly, actual 100% will not exist until this is decided.

(dammit consoles why can't you all be the same)


Good point YE, regarding disk swaps. I'm just watching your run now, and it does seem like loading times are way faster on GC than PS2 (literally twice as fast on the first level).

New York City, NY, USA

Hey guys! So I was trying out the All Medals category today but I couldn't finish a run. I want to say: I CHANGE MY MIND!!!

Doing all the bonus objectives is fun I guess but getting 75%-85% accuracy is really frustrating as well as getting less than 50 hits on some levels. Especially River Kwai and Midnight Raid, where every foxhole has a machine gunner that shoots you 10 times before you can react. The only way to get medals on these levels is to take it SUPER SLOW. In other words, its a terrible speedrun. My prediction is it will be twice as long as any%.

I don't know if you guys want to scrap this category altogether, but I'm not giving it a shot anymore. Any% SIngle Player and Co-op remain the most interesting at this time. Its been so long since I've gotten these medals (since I was a young teen actually) that I forgot how incredibly careful you have to be.


Ah! Sorry, I forgot I hadn't replied to this!

We might as well keep All Medals lying around just in case somebody is mad enough to bother though. We could potentially add a bonus objectives category of some form though, that excludes accuracy medals etc?

New York City, NY, USA

All bonus objectives sounds ok but the run itself wouldn't be that different from any%. Most objectives can be completed along the usual route without much difficulty. I wouldn't bother personally, but if anyone else is into it they are more than welcome.

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