So, anything ever going to get verified?
6 years ago

6 admins and only PMG run is verfied for Normal any% after 3 days? It takes all of 5 minutes to glance through runs to see if a run is legitmate or not.

Also, I have yet to do it in my runs but I agree with Iceless/CalebHart42. Timer should start on selecting first boss, not on selecting a difficulty.

diggity و RepentMF تُحب هذا

For what reason should timing start there, though? The menuing to select your first stage is still part of the run, and you don't strictly 'have' to show video footage of anything before the start of timing, so you don't have to display the difficulty you're playing on under that ruling.

diggity المعجبون بهذا

It clearly displays your difficulty at the end when it asks if you want to save the clear game file. Arbitrary 10 seconds to show difficulty and mash buttons, right, buttons, right, then boss select is just silly. This was touched on in GQDs before as well as some known speedrunners in the past when they streamed.

Also, if anyone actually pays attention, you can see a clear difference between game difficulties during gameplay.


"It clearly displays your difficulty at the end when it asks if you want to save the clear game file."

... Which ALSO isn't part of the run timing. Time ends on defeating Wily, so runners are not obligated to show anything beyond this. I understand the point you're making, and runners should show these details in their videos, but it's silly to expect all runners to conform to arbitrary video standards that have nothing to do with the established rules.

You've yet to provide an actual argument for why the menuing to select a stage is silly. You're ingame at that point, and your inputs and actions influence how the run proceeds. As far as I know, none of the others in the Classic series begin from stage selection.

diggity المعجبون بهذا
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

LuL this game was locked on this site so people have to use the megaman rta leaderboards LuL

Sayuri المعجبون بهذا

There were a lot of runs submitted in the last couple of days (as you might imagine) + everyone that could actually verify the runs were busy with playing the game themselves (bastards). But the queue is down to basically 0 again, as of this morning!

Also, it usually takes longer than 5 minutes to check.

BlueJay2018 المعجبون بهذا
Nova Scotia, Canada

Also if you think you could clear that queue of runs awaiting verification in 5 minutes you're not doing it right. I can safely say I've watched every minute of every run I verify on the MM boards as well as every game I mod here.

BlueJay2018, Deathwysh, و Polari تُحب هذا
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