Proof requirement update [READ THIS]
8 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

Hey hey people

After some debating we've decided to require a picture of your IGT for your runs. Existing runs don't need to update theirs, but new runs will be rejected if there isn't a picture. This should also hopefully clear the confusion with RTA and IGT (RTA is the full time, IGT is the sum of track times, which is shown in the records section)

Any feedback on this would be appreciated, so leave your thoughts in here


grntsz, Generatordid و 5 آخرون تُحب هذا
Texas, USA

This is definitely a lot easier than recording a DS/3DS, but as a preference of mine I'll find some way to record. Though, to the people who don't want to record, this is a great solution. in my opinion

Illinois, USA

In the records, unless you do only grand Prix, it only saves your records if you get a best time for each cup. And I'm pretty sure there is no VS records.

New South Wales, Australia

yeah no way to take a picture of your final 32 tracks IGT unless u capture the time after very single race. but i think is defintly a good idea for the misc categories.

Illinois, USA

I'm done with this game then

  1. It literally destroys my left hand
  2. I'm not taking 32 pictures for this
grntsz, Glitchedblood و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Gelderland, Netherlands

Look. I've removed the picture requirement from 32 tracks basically the day after this got announced ...and that it destroys your hand is irrelevant.

If the community has a need for proof in 32 tracks, then post with a convenient idea. For now, IGT proof will be required for cups.

ZAviorK و Imaproshaman تُحب هذا
Illinois, USA

SeemsGood sorry for the hand thing just trying to be funny TriHard

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago

Ahahaha yeah just like my run in the mushroom I did this method as proof. glad people noticed sorry I didnt suggest this sooner also yay!

United States

The 32 track 'record' didn't put any image but was still approved. Why is that? Not to mention that's their second run posted.

sblectric المعجبون بهذا
Gelderland, Netherlands

Beta is a known time trialer. There's also no way of proving it sufficient enough with one image because there's no IGT, so there's no requirement for 32 tracks.

Connecticut, USA

I think that requiring a WR run to have video would be a good idea though

Imaproshaman, Sizzyl و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا

The first place in Mushroom Cup is wrong in real time

Gelderland, Netherlands

@betamk you're right, fixed it


Not sure. If anything, a console with the ability to save state should be removed.


Hey Dani I tied your 7:05 :)


Goomba I think my new submissions are two seconds too fast, I'll fix them.

Oregon, USA

I know I'm 6 months late, but I wanted to ask if I get video proof, /livesplit, ect, do I still need to take 32 pictures? Kinda confused. Also, I was wondering about that Discord link being expired/private in the other thread. (Didn't really wanna make two forum posts because I always have felt weird about talking in here. Don't wanna do something wrong. So sorry if I did.)

Gelderland, Netherlands

@Imaproshaman 32 tracks doesn't require any proof as of now, however you could send a screenshot of final time/splits in livesplit if you're using that while running.

As for the discord: I wasn't participating in that Discord so I have no idea if it's active still.

Oregon, USA

Ah okay. Thanks for the reply. :D

Can I include a video of the run anyways?

Gelderland, Netherlands

Of course, any form of proof is more than welcome.

Imaproshaman المعجبون بهذا
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