Best Nintendo Switch (with Turbo) controller
2 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Any suggestions (links) on good quality controller with turbo?

Denver, CO, USA

Recommended by the Discord:

8Bitdo SN30 Pro Plus: (PS-style analog, 15hz). Stick quality has been noted to be good, but the sticks are in non-standard locations.

8Bitdo SN30 Pro 2: (PS-style analog, 15hz). Stick quality has been noted to be good, but the sticks are in non-standard locations, (edit) sticks are noted to be inaccurate, there are large digital notches at 0 and 180deg.

Horipad: (Switch-style analog, adjustable 5/10/20hz). Stick quality on the Horipad has been noted by some runners to be bad.

Gychee: (Switch-style analog, adjustable 8/12/15hz). Stick quality on the Gychee has been noted by some runners to be bad.

All turbo speeds are in Hz, or "presses per second".

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Utah, USA

I thought Turbo controllers are banned.

EDIT: Man, just read the rules and glad that this game allows Turbo controllers. :D

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

I've tested them all. The 8bitdo pro2 is the best, hands down. Best sticks, best turbo, and has rear paddles to bind to extra things like a separate shoot button for charge beam

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
All_Is_Number المعجبون بهذا
Denver, CO, USA

Found a new best: ESM-4108 (Switch-style analog, ~14hz).

Better sticks by far than any other non-stock Switch controller I've tried, including both of 8bitdo's offerings. Cons: no profiles, no back paddles, d-pad feels a bit mushy, (edit) button actuation is firmer than all other controllers I've tried thus far, mashing is a real pain with this one.

None of this is an issue for me (I don't use back paddles and can easily adjust to not needing a profile, which I currently use for ADM.)

I'll be using this from now on; I say that having put a ton of mileage on the Pro 2. Maybe 8bitdo will release a firmware that fixes the inaccurate sticks on the Pro 2, until then I'll be using this controller.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
All_Is_Number المعجبون بهذا
Portland, OR, USA

that’s surprising that your 8bitdo Pro2 sticks aren’t good. Mine are perfect. I’d say they even rival the pro controller’s sticks. This isn’t subjective, I’ve checked it in the calibration section of the setting pane. As many noted, however, the stick placement is not ideal for metroid dread. Maybe reach out to their support and get new sticks if you think there’s a problem. I do not see any “digital notching” at 0 and 180 as the O.P. says.

Also, they did release a firmware recently that increased the turbo speed to a consistent 15Hz and made things generally more consistent, like being able to apply turbo to each button individually, including the rear paddles. I’d highly recommend giving it another go.

Portland, OR, USA

also, check out my runs in 100% if you want to see some special turbo strats for dread. I’m one of only a few runners exclusively using turbo now. Once you learn how to use the rear paddles effectively, it’s very hard to go back.

United States

im personally using one made by kinvoca and it works amazingly ive never had sticking unlike with the pro 2 and its even got light up cat ears

Denver, CO, USA

[quote]that’s surprising that your 8bitdo Pro2 sticks aren’t good. Mine are perfect. I’d say they even rival the pro controller’s sticks. This isn’t subjective, I’ve checked it in the calibration section of the setting pane. As many noted, however, the stick placement is not ideal for metroid dread. Maybe reach out to their support and get new sticks if you think there’s a problem. I do not see any “digital notching” at 0 and 180 as the O.P. says.

Also, they did release a firmware recently that increased the turbo speed to a consistent 15Hz and made things generally more consistent, like being able to apply turbo to each button individually, including the rear paddles. I’d highly recommend giving it another go.[/quote]

it's great that you got a good Pro 2. myself and at least two other people have significant issues with the Pro 2. the sticks jitter and jump (a death sentence on wemmi quick kill), on certain firmwares there is a problem where every ten seconds on the dot, there's a pause in the fire stream if you're using turbo, one user has even reported dropped inputs. the build quality is uneven, to say the least. i have tested every firmware from 1.03 to 1.09 and there is no firmware that makes this controller perfect, sorry to say. i'll probably continue to use it for runs as this is the layout that makes the most sense for me, but i'm definitely trying to wean myself off it.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
She/Her, It/Its
2 years ago

I'll also chime in and say that 8bitdo Pro+ is prone to bricking and shipping for repair costs almost as much as the controller itself. 8bitdo is good when it works but it's spotty.

Portland, OR, USA

I've got 2 Pro2's and the latest firmware on both and they are rock solid. Sticks are absolutely perfect and I have no missed inputs on my turbo. If you want to see it in action, here is my PB.

Portland, OR, USA

the sticks on the pro2 aren't like the switch. They are very easy to disassemble and clean. I'd suggest doing that first. You might have some dust or gunk in there. But hey, there's other good controllers too. The newest Gulikit KingKing Pro 2 is also pretty solid. It has 20Hz turbo, but didn't seem to be able to keep it at that rate constantly, still, the sticks are in a great position and feel very smooth. A great alternative option.

Denver, CO, USA

can you post a video of you moving your left stick in circles a few times in the Switch analog calibration menu?

RbxQbr المعجبون بهذا
Portland, OR, USA

Here you go. This is the 8bitduo pro2. I do a sequence of slow and fast circles and some centering tests at the end.

jay_yeen المعجبون بهذا
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Feedback Form

Hey everyone!

As promised, we're following up on the recent turbo ruling with a feedback form. We're asking for feedback on the turbo ruling specifically, as well as general feedback. The results of this will be used to inform the next CM team's process going forward. You'll need to provide your sp

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